Chapter 11

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[ A/N: again there will be some ereri for backstory purposes ]

Eren didn't exactly expect the party to be like this - him, sitting in front of the TV, browsing through channels while everyone else was either partying the night away or undoubtedly drinking something alcoholic.

But, then again, he needed to go home sober anyway.

"Come on, Eren! You promised that you would lighten up." Jean persistently crooned by Eren's ear, leaving the center of the hotel suite occasionally just to get the brunet to join them.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in getting drunk and then screwing around with random people." Eren rolled his eyes, refusing to meet his boyfriend's determined gaze.

"You don't have to drink! There's nonalcoholic things, too."

Eren sighed. He could tell by the way that Jean's words were beginning to slur that he was drinking. With a huff, the brunet turned the volume down - not that he could hear the TV anyway, what with the loud songs blasting in the background - and tossed the remote onto the coffee table. "Fine.. If it makes you happy."

Jean's lips curled into a idiotic smile. Eren cringed inwardly at the sight.

"Oh, it'll make me happy as hell." Jean said, grabbing Eren's forearm and virtually hauling him off the couch. He then tugged the poor boy to the center of the hotel room, where the so-called 'party' was. Everyone was drinking - Eren could smell the alcohol - and socializing with one another. The music was nearly giving him a headache. It was just prom part two to him, however, much more dangerous.

The brunet began to feel awkward, simply standing there in the middle. He decided to head over to the refreshments table, his hand hovering above the many plastic cups placed there. He was unsure of what contained alcohol and what didn't, so he picked up a cup that looked the least suspicious and took a cautious sip.

Fortunately, he did not taste anything that didn't seem right to him - it was just plain soda. Deciding to hope for the best, Eren took a few more sips - only to be interrupted by a loud, obnoxious voice belonging to no other than the one and only horseface.

"Hey, who wants to play a game?"

At the question, everyone stopped their current actions. Even Sasha paused in shoving cupcakes into her mouth, turning to look at Jean, who was standing on a table. Typical of him.

Oh boy. Eren tossed the half-empty cup into the trash and then folded his arms over his chest, averting his gaze from the trash can to Jean.

"What game?"

The quiet voice that came next belonged to a boy that Eren did not know too well. However, he believed that his name was Bertolt. Somewhere along those lines.

"I don't know, what do you guys think?" Jean's voice echoed through the rather large room again.

"How about we play, 'find and kill the person who fucking spilled their drink on my suit?'"

Eren recognized the male voice that spoke up next. It was Levi, of course, and the brunet scanned the room for him. Eventually, his eyes settled upon the ravenette fuming in the corner, a medium-sized, dark stain visible on his dress shirt. Honestly, it wasn't even that bad and it would dry within half an hour - but Eren knew Levi. He knew how much he would freak out over a small stain like that.

"Well, maybe if you were actually paying attention for the past hour, you'd know," Petra scolded her boyfriend, earning a silent go Petra! From Eren. "Um, not that I'd actually want you to kill them, that is."

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