Chapter 16

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"So.. So, you're saying we're not going to solve it like civilized people? You're just gonna break up with me, and leave it as is?" Jean asked, slowly and individually enunciating each word as if he couldn't believe what Eren just said- and in reality, he really didn't.

"Why are you being such a hypocrite? If you don't trust me and don't believe anything I say, how the hell am I going to convince you that the supposed text has nothing to do with me?" Eren blurted in reply, nearly fuming at that point but trying to hold back for the sake of Jean and himself. He didn't hate Jean, no, he could never bring himself to hate Jean. Hate was a strong word and a strong feeling, after all. "I'm just saying, maybe we need to.. take a break."

"Taking a break, huh? You know, you could just make this easy and say 'I never want to see your face ever again,' or something along those lines." Jean scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I don't want to break up with you, Jean! You don't fucking understand! When I say I want a break, that's exactly what I mean. I just need a break from our relationship, until the tension is gone.. and maybe then we can try to resolve things. We can't do anything right now, we're both extremely pissed off. We're not in the right state of mind to cooperate."

Jean let out a short, mocking chuckle that actually hurt Eren a lot. "Wow. Since when did you become a psychologist? 'State of mind?' Where's your degree?"

"Jean.. Why? Just- why are you acting like this? I'm not trying to frustrate you, I'm trying to solve things like a civilized person, or whatever you said a few minutes ago.. But you're still the one being a hypocrite and choosing to antagonize me." Eren replied, his voice dropping an octave lower. He didn't like Jean's current attitude, he didn't like Jean's sarcastic laughter. He didn't like anything about Jean that moment, but usually, he would love everything.

"I think I have every damn right to be angry at you, to antagonize you. Keep in mind that I'm not the one who still has feelings for and wants to fuck their ex, while they're currently in a relationship." Jean flailed his hands in the air, his eyes flashing with obvious anger. "Whatever, Eren. I don't want to talk anymore. Come back to me whenever you think you're wrong and want to apologize."

That was it. That was the last thing that Jean said before turning around, pushing open the door and leaving into the student parking lot.

The worst part was, Eren just stood there and watched as his boyfriend walked out of his life, quite literally. The brunette knew he should've been desperate and chased after Jean or something, but a little voice inside him held him back.

A healthy relationship consists of mutual trust, amongst others. If Jean doesn't trust me, if he honestly doesn't believe that it wasn't me who sent the texts, that they were probably faked or staged, then he doesn't deserve my love. He doesn't deserve me.

Eren chewed on his lower lip until he was sure that it was bleeding. He could taste the metallic flavor on the tip of his tongue, but he didn't really care. It was almost as if his entire body lost feeling. He was growing numb, numb from the sudden loss of Jean.

Fuck, Eren, stop being such a fucking wimp. Pretty sure you've gone through more painful things than this. Think about the time you broke your leg and nearly your neck when you fell out of a treehouse as a child.. Yeah, that.

Eren was attempting to pep talk himself into getting his mind off things, but it wasn't working well. Truth be told, he would've rather felt the physical pain than the pain of heartbreak he was experiencing. It was the worst kind of pain, the pain of knowing that the one you loved and entrusted your life with obviously didn't seem to reciprocate that trust.

After what felt like an eternity, Eren forced himself back into reality. Actually, the bell signifying the end of the class he didn't go to seemed to help him snap back as well.

He took a deep breath, adjusting the weight of the book bag on his shoulders- although that weight was nothing compared to the weight of his emotions. Taking a few hesitant steps forward, Eren decided to head back to class, unlike Jean, whom he'd assumed had gone back home or went somewhere else to skip the rest of the school day.

Walking through the hallways felt awkward without Jean. Usually, Jean would wait for him at the end of every class and walk him to his next one. Usually, they held hands while they walked, or Jean would have his arm lazily thrown around Eren's waist. Usually, Jean would give him a little goodbye kiss before the final bell rang.

Today, Eren was going to get none of that.

In fact, he wasn't probably going to get that for a few months, or even forever. Depended on how long Jean could hold a grudge, and Eren had yet to find out the answer.

He'd had minor arguments with Jean before, over stupid little things like what movie to watch or why Jean didn't text back when he was clearly online.

They'd never had something this major, which is why Eren knew nothing about Jean's true capability for anger.

Frowning, Eren shuffled into the doorway of his next class, literature- or rather, read a billion old books that no one gave two shits about, then write two billion more essays analyzing the books.

He took his normal seat, simply allowing himself to fall onto the chair. Glancing up at the board, he caught glimpse of their agenda for that class period and inwardly groaned, noting that they were beginning a new unit.

Slowly, in a lethargic manner, Eren reached into his book bag and took out the textbook, setting it down on the desk with a loud thud. He had a tendency to inadvertently handle things roughly when he was frustrated, and it came naturally. Fortunately, nobody noticed.

The teacher walked in, closing the door behind herself and stepping up to the board. Eren sighed, head tilting back to stare at the ceiling.

Day fucking one of not having Jean in my life anymore.

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