Oh, The Horrible Puns...

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Okay, you think my jokes are bad? It runs in the family. So I went over to my cousins house today and this is what happened v.v...

Cousin: -is walking around with iPhone 5 charger around her neck-

Me: Why do you have a wire on your neck?

Her: Wire you asking me this?

Me: .... *chuckles* =_=

Then later when my other cousins came over and dropped me off (cause I slept over)...

Uncle: -walks out with our wok to cook with-

Me: Why does Mejo Abbu (What I call him, just means Middle Father) have our wok?

Sister: I guess he's just gonna wok out with it?

Me: =_____=

Cousin: -starts singing walk it out-

Me: -walks over to fridge to see the to-do list magnet-

Cousin's older brother: Who wrote that on the magnet?

Me: I did. -Was To-Do List Magnet; I wrote Your Mom on it v.v-

Him: ..... Sarah, are you going through your middle school phase again?

Me: ... Maybe. 0.0

Too many puns ;-;

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