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So... some of you may know that I'm kinda... somewhat... really active on this site v.v Well, yeah. I just wanted to let you lot know, well at least those that care, that I won't be here for about a month to two months v.v


Cause I'm leaving for vacation for that long v.v/ I won't have too much access to the internet since I'm going to be on the other side of the world and the internet there sucks bollocks. Trust me, I know v.v

I leave July 10th :P and my flight returns on August 5th. I'm going back home and then taking a side trip to Bangkok with my cousins. ^-^ Now, I said up to two months, because right after, I have to start packing for college and moving in v.v it's going to be a hectic month.

And on the 7th/8th I won't really be on cause I have college orientation ;-;

I'll keep you guys updated when I can, so if I stop responding outta the blue near those days... You know why. :D

Try not to kill each other without me there yah? I need to designate someone to be the havoc maker while I'm gone, cause lord knows ya'll need it v.v boring peepz that I love with all my heart.

10 Days Dears <3

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