Two Things: Follows and Jealousy. Warning; Brutal Honesty.

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1) Follows.

No, I don't do follow backs; stop asking. I follow people I feel know things about me I don't tell anyone else. It's why I don't follow certain friends either. Or cause the stuff you do is something I don't wanna see in my feed.

Begging me to follow means two things to me:

1. Your friendship with me is only validated with this trivial action.
2. You're desperate to expand your follow base.

I lie when people ask me why I don't follow them: say it'll happen or I'm just lazy.

Here's the truth: if I don't follow you, it means nothing. I still stalk profiles. It doesn't matter.

2) Jealousy.

Jealousy is something a lot of us fight with especially over best friends and significant others.

I'm possessive, but I rarely get truly jealous. The last time this happened was when my most recent ex-crush liked someone I didn't feel was.... Right. Yeah, yeah, I know. Since its not me, you think the other person wasn't good enough.

Shut up. You don't know who I'm talking about u.u

To those who get jealous often, let me tell you this....

So Another person gets close to your bae/bestie whathaveyou.

Here's what powers the other person has:
1. Some access to information your bae/bestie has told only to you. Or other people as well depending on how big their social circle is.
2. To make your bae/best friend happy.
3. The power to ruin your relationship if you let that happen.
4. If you let the jealousy get to you, then you.

What they don't have:
1. Your position in your bae/bestie's life.
2. All those nights spent talking to this person.
3. Deffo not those cute ass pet names. Haha, you know which ones ^.^
4. Your ability to make this person feel like a million bucks.
5. His/her trust.
6. Inside jokes. ;)
7. Sexy times with bae xD or your bestie if you're like that.

And the list goes on...~

So next time you get jealous.... Just... Laugh it off. It keeps the passion going, but... Know where you stand. Security is cool cx

Thoughts of a Certified Mad Woman.~Where stories live. Discover now