5. "Indominus Rex"

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"Where are all the dinosaurs?" Gray whispered from his seat. Zach was controlling the gyrosphere, and at some moments he would glance at me.

I looked all around us, even behind, but I couldn't find a single dinosaur.

"Well that's odd," I said, swiftly looking all around.

Zach drove us over a hill, and we finally got to see some dinosaurs. There was about 50 of them!

"Woah! That's so cool!" Gray laughed and snapped pictures with his little camera.

"No flash photography please." I laughed back. We went through the herd, and we ended up in front of a big gatet that was broken through.

"Woah, what happened here?" Zach said, astonished. "Let's go in!"

"We can't go in there, it's a restricted zone." I clarified.

"Who cares! Let's have some fun. Plus, I don't think Gray is having the full Jurassic experience." Zach smirked, and boy did that look hot. I cracked a smile.

"Fine whatever."

As we were about to go in, a voice interrupted the audio.

"Please all gyrospheres turn back around. The ride is now closed."

"Zach we need to go back." Gray and I both said at the same time.

"Relax. Everything is fine. Plus we have these special passes. We can stay out a little longer." Zach huffed.

"If something happens to us, I'm saying I told you so." Gray rolled his eyes.

We entered the restricted area and I felt that something was wrong.

"Maybe we should turn back around..." I murmured after a couple of minutes.

Zach stopped the gyrosphere and pointed in front of us at 4 dinosaurs.

"See, this is why we did that. To find more dinosaurs. There's 4 right here." Zach pointed out.

"No there's 5." Gray argued.

"What? There's obviously 4 right there," I recounted.

"No there's five. One, Two, Three, Four, Five." Gray pointed to the reflection, showing a rather large dinosaurs face extremely close to the gyrosphere.

"Holy shit." I cursed. As soon as I said that, it roared a deep roar.

"Zach drive!" Gray yelled.


Hehehehehehe cliff hanger!!

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