8. "Yelling"

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We were laughing at some joke Zach made, when we crashed through an old gate that said '10,000 Volts'. Then Zach and Gray cheered.

I smiled and looked at Zach.

"Hey Zach?" I said, biting my lip.

"Yes, Maxi?" He smiled looking at the road ahead of us.

"Do-" I was cut off by Gray yelling.

"Zach go faster!" I looked behind us to see a group of Pteranodons flying right behind us.

"Go!" I yelled. Zack stepped on the gas even harder, speeding us down the narrow path.

We came across the perimeter gate with two guys standing above it, patrolling.

"Open the gate!" I screamed.

"Hey! Open the gate!" Gray also screamed. We all chanted as Zach honked the horn. The guys finally realized we were being chased by the flying Dino's and raised the gates, letting us speed into it.

Zach slammed on the breaks after we went through. Zach got out, then helped Gray. I got out as soon as one of the patrol guys came running to us.

"What in the world happened to you three?" He asked, looking at our clothes. They were covered in mud.

"It's a long story, but everyone in the park is in danger." I worriedly stated.

"We need to get back, right now!" Zach told the man, his arm slung across Gray.

"Now sir, we will take you back as soon as we can but-" I cut him off.

"Look, those dinosaurs aren't what you think. Those dinosaurs are called Pteranodons. There extremely hostile and will kill anything that is not their kind, and moves. I suggest that you and your people take us back immediately to save the guests lives, because if you don't, lives will be lost." I yelled. Bis face was hilarious. He looked terrified.

"I-I," he stuttered. "Everyone! Let's go! We need to save some lives! Right this way." Everyone grabbed guns and ran into cars.

We followed him to another jeep, and got into the back seat. We began driving, very fast if I may add.

"That was amazing." Zach smirked at me. When he smirks, he looks so sexy. Like I'm not even kidding.

I smiled at him and slipped my hand in his. He looked at our hands and smiled.


We finally got back to the visitors center. We ran through the crowd of people, who we're also running frantically, trying not to be eaten.

Then someone called from behind us.

"Zach! Gray! Wait," I turned around to see Claire's assistant Zara yelling frantically behind us. "Claire told me to come find you!" We kept running.

"Zach, what does she want?" I asked Zach.

"I don't know. Hold on, stop running." We all stopped and turned around to Zara, who was still chasing after us.

"Will you guys please wait- ahhh!" She screamed as she was picked up by a Pteranodon. She was dropped, picked back up, and clawed many times.

"Zara!" Gray yelled, this time we were running after her.

"Oh no." I said when we stopped in front of the Mosasaurus tank.

The Pteranodon dropped her into the tank, but 3 of them dove in after her. They pulled her out, dropped her, and pulled her out, clawed her and pulled her out.

"Oh my god." Gray's mouth hung open, tears brimmed his eyes.

Suddenly the Mosasaurs leaped out of the water, engulfing Zara and the Pteranodon into its mouth.

"We need to keep moving." Zach told us, grabbing our hands.


Hey guys, sorry for the long wait.

I'm sorry if I get some things wrong in the Fanfiction, I'm not perfect so sorry. Once I finish this book I'll go back and edit things so yeah

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