7. "Jeep Wrangler"

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It was extremely hot as we walked through the... well I guess you can call it a jungle/forest. Luckily, the heat made us dry quicker.

"What was that thing?" Zach asked as we followed a trail. He was on the left of Gray, and Gray was in the middle of us.

"They call it the Indominus Rex. Its made to be half Tyrannosaurus Rex and something else. They made it to be bigger than the T-Rex."

"That was a stupid decision." Gray scoffed. We then stumbled upon a white helmet with claw marks going through it.

Gray gasped, grabbing the hat. He froze in fear just looking at it. I grabbed it out of his hands just to inspect it.

Zach looked around and pointed out a vehicle, clearly broken. I threw down the hat and walked over to it.

"Look!" Gray pointed at 2 big doors. Woah.

"What's in there?" Zach asked, puzzled.

"I think this is from the old park." I smiled and put my hands on the doors. "Help me push it open."

As soon as we pushed it open, a huge space full of plants enveloped our eyes. "This used to be the visitors center."

"How do you know all of this?" Zach smiled at me.

"I did my research." I bit my lip and walked into the old building.

Zach picked up a large bone and a piece of banner that said "Jurassic P" and that was ripped after the p in park.

"Do you still have those matches?" Zach asked Gray. Gray opened his fanny pack and pulled out a box of matches. How did they not get wet? Probably the material of his little fanny pack.

Zach wrapped the banner around the bone and lit it up. "This way."

We began to walk by the wall, trying to find something that we can use to get out of our situation and get back to the Park.

I looked at the paintings on the wall. The swirls of the colors in the velociraptor was so pretty, it just made me mesmerized. Zach suddenly stopped.

"In here." He pointed at the door leading into some room. On top of the door was marked 'Vehicle Garage'.

Once we opened the door, light poured from the room. Two Jeeps sat into the room. They looked really old to me.

Gray picked up some goggles that started to zoom in, which scared him so he put them back down immediately. I laughed lightly, then moved over towards the jeep.

"It's a Jeep Wrangler, circa 1992." Gray smiled.

"Hey, remember when we fixed up Grandpa's old car last summer?" Zach asked Gray, whom nodded.


I grabbed the battery out of the destroyed car, that we saw earlier, and handed it to Zach. We heard the bushes move.

"Do you think it's out there?" Zach said, looking into the bushes. The face Gray made, made me speak up.

"N-no." I gave a look at Zach without Gray seeing.

"I-I mean, I'm sure it's not out there. Your safe with me. And her. Here," he handed Gray the battery. "You're stronger than me."

I smiled at the two boys. They really are great. Zach is a great brother. He's really nice, and sweet, and ugh. We walked back to the garage and fixed up the car.

"Try to start it up!" Zach told Gray front the front of the car. Gray turned the keys and the Jeep rumbled to a start.

"Yes! I can't believe it worked!" I laughed and say in the passenger seat. Gray scooted over and squished in the seat with me, since there was only two.

"What? You doubted us?" Zach gave a cheeky grin at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he did the same. "Let's go!"

"Wait didn't you fail your drivers test?" Gray suddenly asked, right before we started to move.

"Just the driving part." Zach smirked and began driving.

"What? Are you kidding me? Let me drive!" I exclaimed.

"No, come on! Let me do it." he smiled, looking over at me.

"Okay whatever. If we crash, I'm going to kill you." I shook my head.

"Just kiss already!" Gray laughed, making Zach and I look at each other and blush.


Omg guys so as I mention earlier there was this guy named Zach who looked exactly like Jurassic World Zach, Nick Robinson, except he had blue eyes.

Okay so my parents and I went to Pollo Tropical, a food restaurant place, and he always works the counter on Friday nights and probably other nights but we only go on Friday nights when we go to the movies.

Anyways, I already ate so I just asked for a drink and he handed me it and be like looked at me intently and like kinda held onto the drink.

And then when we were leaving I looked back at him and he was already looking at me and he smiled and I smiled and ugh.

He looks around 16-17 and...ugh

He's so hottt

Anywho, please vote and comment what you thought of this chapter!!


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