Astronomy Tower

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I wake up with my alarm. I still feel so sleepy but I said I would meet him so I cant not go. It takes me a couple minutes to get up and move because I suck at getting up after I sleep.  I look at the clock and it says 8:55 and I say, "oh shit I have to get going".   As I say that I get up and make sure I have sweat pants and a hoodie on because it can get very cold at night and I am always cold.  I walk out of my dorm and head out of the Slytherin common room.  As I walk put of the common room I feel a gush of cold wind, and I shiver, pulling my hoodie closer to me.  As I'm walking to the tower I think about what he wanted to see me for.  I hope it isn't to try and get more information out of me about last night. I do not want to talk about it, especially with Draco.  If he knew I figured out who did it then that would not end well. I finally get to the bottom of the stairs, and as I head up a gust of wind hits my face and it feels amazing.  I have a love and hate relationships with the cold.  I get up to the top of the tower I look out on the school.  I always forget how beautiful this school is.  As I am looking at the school I hear footsteps come up the stairs.

"Your right on time evergreen", he says as he is walking towards me.

As I'm still looking straight I say, "Yea I said I would be here at nine so I am here at nine". As I finish saying this I turn around to look at him. He is looking at me when I turn around.

"Ok, no need to be smart evergreen," he says with a little chuckle and a smirk, as he looks out at the beautiful night sky.  We both look at the sky for a little bit before he asks me the question I have been dreading. "I know you remember what happened last night, why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie Malfoy , I don't fully remember what happened last night Draco", I say as I look at the ground.

"Diana don't lie to me, why do you keep lying to me?" He says as he looks straight at me.

"Why do you want to know so bad if I remember it or not Draco, it doesn't matter because it happened and I cant change it so leave it alone," I say as I start to pace the tower looking back and forth between the ground and Draco.  Draco tries to come towards me really fast and I flinch back.

Draco looks at me in a concerning, "Diana you are not okay, you flinched when I tried to walk towards you."  I keep pacing not knowing what to say.  Draco walks up to me and holds my arms so I stop pacing. He tilts my head up so I'm looking at him. He keeps the eye contact but I move my head down because I don't want him to be able to read my eyes.

"I don't know how to handle it and I don't know why it happened or how to get it out of my head", I say as I back up and look at him with my eyes watering. I realize how weak I'm being right now and snap out of it. "Ill be fine, I know how to handle myself", I say as I go back to looking out of the tower.  Draco comes next to me but doesn't say anything at first.

"Do you know who did that to you?" he says as he turns to look at me. As he is looking at me the guys face flashes in my mind and he saw my faces reaction to remembering. "Evergreen who did it?" He asks with a straight face.

"I don't remember", I say  as I turn around to sit on the ground because when I remembered his face it made me start to shake. As I'm sitting down I look at my hand and it is shaking pretty violently but Draco sees me starring at my hand and comes over and holds it in between his.

"Evergreen tell me who did it", He says as he is starring at me.

"I don't want you to hurt them Draco" I say as I look down at my hands.

"They deserve to get hurt after what they did to you", He says as he stands up and pulls me up with him.

"No Draco I'm not going to tell you and that's that", I say as I start to walk down the stairs of the tower. As I'm walking down Draco comes with me to walk down but he doesn't say anything. I can feel the anger coming from his skin. He's pissed but I know that if I tell him it will not end well, for the guy or for him. 

We are heading back to the dorms when I say something, "Don't tell anyone about what happened Malfoy, I don't want everyone looking at me differently", I say as we walk into the common room. I turn to look at him and he just nods his head in agreement. "thank you", I say as I walk back into my room and he walks back into his, as our rooms are connected. As I get into my room I think to myself, I wonder if he will actually keep it to himself or tell him friends.  He doesn't seem like the guy to go tell his friends secrets to the school, i trust him. I look at the time and it's about 10:30pm. I go to the bathroom to get ready and realize Draco is also getting ready in the bathroom. I get unready really fast so I don't have to talk to him again and get in my bed.  I have one more day before classes start so I don't stress too much about what is going to happen tomorrow. As I think about what I'm going to do tomorrow I fall asleep.


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