Party Prep

285 8 3

⚠️TW: bullying, sorta not eating, self hate⚠️

*Dianas pov*

I wake up and hop in the shower.  Morning showers always help me wake up.  I wash my hair and body and hop out. I dry my body and head to my room. I walk to my closet to try and find an outfit. I hear a noise from my bed and turn around to see......Draco malfoy. 

"Malfoy, towel, knock" I say as I hug the towel close to my body.

"Evergreen,  nobody cares, no" malfoy says as he smirks

"What are you even doing in my dorm?" I ask

"You were taking a long time so I wanted to see what you are doing" malfoy says as he lays back on my bed.

"Well I'm almost done, but you need to get out so I can change" I say

"Why you don't need any help?" Malfoy says as he looks at me and smirks

"Nice try pev" I say as I smirk

"I'm not looking so you can get dressed" malfoy says as he closes his eyes while laying on the bed

"Fine, but make sure not to look." I say as I turn to my closet again

*dracos pov*

As I'm laying on she bed, she turns to her closet to change. I'm not supposed to look so I have my eyes closed. I cant help but peak just a little bit. I open my eyes just a little to see her in lace green underwear and a green lace bra. Her back is facing me so she can't see me. She has an amazing figure and body. Her skin looks so soft and I just want to feel all over her body..... snap out of it draco.  I close my eyes to get those thoughts out of my head because she is my best friend and she will never feel that way about me.

"I'm ready, now you can look" she says as I open my eyes.

She looks so beautiful always. She has she uniform on. Her tie is Los and her skirt is a little bit higher over her knees. 

*dianas pov*

I say I'm done and her opens his eyes.  Her is just staring at me and looking at me up and down.

"Do I look ok?" I ask because he is making me nervous by not saying anything.

"You look um absolutely gorgeous *he pauses* let's get going " he says as he looks away fast and heads toward the door.

We walk out of my dorm and head to the great hall. We meet blaise and all our friends and of course pug face because we can't seem to get rid of her. We sit down at the table and start to eat. I had some coffee and a little but of fruit. Draco had some pancakes and some tea. He really likes tea, it helps calm him down. We all talked a little bit about the party and then started to go to class. Me and draco go to defensive against the dark arts and I drift off a little bit thinking about the party tonight and what I'm going to wear.
I suddenly get pulled out of my thoughts as draco talks to me.

"Evergreen,  I know I'm hot but you have to stop day dreaming and pay attention " malfoy says as he looks at her and smirks

"I'm not day dreaming about you, I'm not trying to boost you ego anymore then it already has and your one to talk mister" I say as I smirk back and then turn to the front of the class.

The bell rang and so we went to our next class.  The rest of the classes in the morning already always usually boring.  It was soon lunch time and we went to lunch. I sat next to draco and started eating. Pansy came up from behind us and sat on dracos other side. He ignored her and kept eating.

"Drakie-poo when are we going to get together?" Pug face says as she bats her eye lashes at him.

"I'm never going to date you parkinson so get that throught your tiny little brain" Draco spat back

"I would be an amazing person to date, you haven't seen all the things I can do in bed" Pansy says as she smirks and puts a hand on his thigh. He seem very uncomfortable so I step in before he can talk

"Pug fa- I mean pansy, can't you see you are making him uncomfortable,  so how about you go back to he'll and leave him alone" I spat and draco looks at me and smirks while pansy looks like she could kill me.

"You have no right to talk to me like that you ugly fat bitch" Pansy kisses back as she gets up and leaves

As she leaves I think too myself don't think about what she said. I may be in slytherin but I am very emotional.  I do a pretty good job of hiding it because I have had so much practice but it does get hard at times and sometimes I end up having panic attacks and really bad mental break downs. The only way to not have those is to drink so I drink to feel loose and not have to worry. 

We finish eating lunch and head to the rest of our classes. I have just finished  transfiguration and am headed to the astronomy tower for astronomy.  I love that class because it give me a Breck from reality and I dream of how many different things are going on in the universe.  After that class was done I head back to my dorm and plop on to my bed. The party is at 8 and it is only 4 so I take a nap for a little bit.

*sorry my updates are really slow.  I am trying to balance my school work, writing this fanfic, my tik tok account which is called @baekyra if you wanna follow me on tik tok and my other tik tok. Please vote and comment ideas you have and I will try and put them in. Thank you for almost 200 reads!!!*


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