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I wake up to the sun shining in my face.  I forgot to close the curtins in my room.  I get up out of bed and head to the bathroom.  I take a quick shower and get ready for the day.  I make my way back into my room and my room mates are already gone.  I don't know them very well and I don't plan on getting to know them. I walk out of my room and down to the common room.  I run into draco and blasie. 

"Hey guys ready to get some breakfast " diana asks

"Yup" Draco and blasie say in unison
You all head to the great hall and walk in.  You guys walk to the slytherin table and sit down.  Draco sits next to you and blasie sits in front of you.  You start to eat until you hear pug face come over.

"Hey dray what are you doing today?" Pansy says as she sits next to draco

"Non of your business parkinson" Draco says very annoyed that she is bothering him early in the morning

Pansy look over to you and has something to say.

"You should lay off the carbs Evergreen, you don't want to be to fat but I think your already there" pug face says

"Like I would listen to what you say pug face, your probably just jelous because of how I look" diana says.  Even though she acts as pansy words didn't hurt, they did.  They would hurt anyone but it hurt more because you have heard it before, from your own dad.  You pushed it away.  Pansy stomped away after you said that to her.

"What we going to do today boys?" Diana says

"We could go to hogsmade" blasie says

"Yea I'm down" Draco says

"Me too, well go in an hour, make sure your ready" diana says as she finishes eating and heads back to her dorm.  She makes a little list of what she want to get and heads down to the common room.  She sees the boys and walks over.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go" she says as they all walk out and start to head to hogsmade.  As they walk you look around at the pretty trees and the pretty sky.  She always loved the sky.  She doesn't really know why she loves the sky so much but it hits deep for her.  They are walking and they finally get to hogsmade. 

"Let's go to honeydukes because I want some candy" she says as she starts to walk and they follow behind her.  She walks in and looks around to find some candy when she bumps into someone.  She looks up and she's Cedric diggory.   She never really talks to people outside of her house. 

"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention" she says as she backs up

"Oh its fine, I'm Cedric by the way" he says as he sticks out his hand for her to shake

"I'm diana evergreen" she says and she sticks out her hand and shakes his.

"Am I interrupting something" Draco says as he comes over with blasie behind him.

"No, I just accidentally ran into him while I was looking" she says

"Well let's get the candy and leave, we don't want to be seen with a huffulpuff " Draco says as her walks to the check out with her behind him

She puts she candy up after he checks his out.  He didn't get very much.  As she starts to get money out draco butts in. 

"I got in diana, don't worry about it" he says

"You don't have to do that if you don't want to" she says

"It fine, its my treat to you for the start of the new year" he says as he pays the cashier and grabs the candy and heads out the door.

"Thank you for doing that, I appreciate it" she says as she looks at him and smiles

"Its my pleasure " he says

She gets the rest of the stuff she needs and they start to head back to hogwarts.  They don't talk the whole way back.  Its just silence.   As they get back they head to the dungeons to their common room.  "Pureblood" Draco says as it opens and they step in. 

"Ill be right back, I'm going to put my stuff away" diana says as she heads up the stairs to the girls dormitories.   She heads to hers and walks in and puts her stuff away.  After she is done with that she heads back to the common room.  She walks down the stairs and meet with the guys again.  They talk for a little and after about 2 to 3 hours its dinner time.  They head to the great hall and walk in.  They head to the slytherin table and sit down.  Diana sits down and draco sits next to her and blasie sits on the other side.  She grabs a little bit of food and eats that.  She doesn't really have an appetite today.  She is nervous about having classes tomorrow.  

"Okay guys in going to go to bed so I have energy for tomorrow's classes" she tells them as she stands up and walks out of the great hall. She walks back to the dungeons and walks into the common room.  There is no one there since everyone is at dinner.  She sits down on the couch and watches the fire for a little bit and it helps calm her down.  After watching the fire for a little she heads back to her room.  She gets into her room and takes her make up off, takes a shower and puts her pj's on.  She heads to her bed and thinks.

Maybe this year will be different with everything and this year she will stay at hogwarts for the breaks so she don't have to see my dad.  She hopes this year is different and that she will become closer with draco because even though he doesn't know that its gotten worse at home, he knows what she is going through and knows how it feels. 

*please vote and comment,  If you want to, give me some ideas for the next chapter.  Sorry its taken so long to update.  So yea tell me your feed back and tell me some ideas that you want to happen.* 

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