Last day before classes

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I shoot up from lying down breathing heavily and sweaty profusely. I thought what had happened wouldn't affect me but apparently I was very wrong. I had a night mare about what had happened a couple nights earlier and I couldn't believe it. I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare and I am not so easily spooked. I shove my hands into my face to try to get the images out of my head. I rub my eye lids because, side effect of the nightmare, I didn't get much sleep.  I look at the clock and it only says 5am. That is way to early for my last day of sleeping in so I lay back down and try to get At least a couple more hours of sleep before fully getting up. As soon as I'm about to give up on sleep, I fall asleep.

As I wake up this time, I'm not sweating anymore and I got some decent sleep. I look at the clock and it says 9am. I highly doubt that if I try to go back to bed that I will get anymore sleep so I get up and head over to the bathroom. Since I sweat so much last night I need to get a shower so I head to my room to grab some clothes and a razor and then head to the bathroom to get a shower.

Once I'm done with my shower I do all my skin care and get dressed and look at the time. It's 10:30. I need to head down for some breakfast. As I'm heading down for breakfast I bump into Blaise.

"Hey Blaise long time no see" I say laughing a little because it's only been a day or two.

"Hey Diana, how was the party?" He says as he shoves my shoulder.

I think back to that night and everything I did. It makes me cringe a little but it makes me shiver knowing what..... else happened. No-one needs to know that. I am Diana evergreen and I am a badass Slytherin. "It was ok, definitely don't want to remember some parts" I say laughing a little and glancing down at my shoes.

"I bet" Blaise says laughing as we walking into the great hall to get some food.

"I'm starving" l say with a smile on my face

"Let's get eating" Blaise says as we rush to the table and start pulling food in our plates.

Once we are done eating I head back to my room. It's the last day of the weekend and I want to get some reading and drawing in before classes tomorrow even though I should be doing homework right now. I need to destress from what has happened in the past couple days so I grab my book and my drawing things and as soon as I walk out of my room, I hit a sterdy chest as soon as I turn around. 

"Uhm, Malfoy, what are you doing right in-front of my door, I need to get past?" I say as I look up at him and he is already looking down at me

"Saw you talking to Blaise this morning.  What were y'all talking about?" He says with a straight blank face and he doesn't move a bit.

"Nothing important now move" I say as I try to step around him but he follows my movement and stays in front of me. He's starting to piss me off.  "Move Malfoy" I say in a stern manner. He moves out of my way and as I'm walking out into the court yard I think about how weird that interaction was. He has never questioned me hanging out with Blaise before. He was probably just being nosey and I stop thinking about it and start reading my book.

I read a couple of chapters of my book when I get to a part that makes my mind go crazy.  It gives me a crazy idea of something to draw so I quickly grab my pencil and paper and start to draw.  I do not realize what I am drawing until I am done. I draw this couple looking at each other with the most love and hate in each others eyes.  they do not want to love each other but that is not something  you get to decide.  It has a beautiful spiral background that I picture would be green and blue with little white dots as starts and a moon in the corner with the glare on their faces as they are looking deeply into each others eyes.  As I am finishing up the final touches' someone comes up behind me.  

"What you drawing?" Blaise says as I look behind me and seeing him standing over my shoulder looking down at my drawing with curiosity in his eyes. 

"oh its nothing, just something that came to me when I was reading my book.  Luckily I brought my drawing things or I wouldn't have the idea for this drawing anymore." I say as I look at him and back down at the drawing, seeing if there is anything that I can change to make it better. 

"It looks amazing Diana" Blaise says as he looks at the drawing then looks at me and smiles.  

"thanks but I'm still learning new techniques and trying to not overthink when I'm drawing" I say as I'm looking at my drawing and then I look at Blaise and give him a small smile.  

I look down at my watch and realize that it is dinner time.  I didn't realize that I was reading and drawing that long.  Guess I really got into my book and the drawing.  I look back at Blaise and ask, "have you eaten yet?".

"I have not, care to join me" he says as I get up. With the help of his hand I get up off the bench and we start heading to the great hall to get some food.  I hadn't eaten since breakfast so that makes a lot more sense as to way my stomach was hurting.  We get the the great hall and since it is later there aren't many students eating.  Most eat earlier so that they can get the night to themselves or go out with friends.  I do however notice that Draco is one of the few students eating at the Slytherin table. When Blaise and I walk in his eyes goes straight to me.  He gives me a weird glare and I just ignore it because he has been acting strange today.  Blaise and I get to the table and when we sit down Draco glares another time at me as I grab My plate and start filling it up.  

Other then what happened at the beginning of the dinner, the rest was fine.  Everyone talked about how their day was and when we were done we all headed to the common room.  Everyone sat down to chill before the start of classes tomorrow but I was to tired after the day so I just headed straight to my room.  When I get into my room I put on some night time clothes and I go to the bathroom to do my skincare and get all ready for bed.  As I'm almost done doing my skincare Draco walks into the bathroom without knocking on the door. 

"Draco what are you doing, knock" I say as he just barges in. 

"Its my bathroom too Diana" he says as he rolls his eyes when he starts the shower. He heads back into his room to get his clothes for after the shower and I finish up my skincare before he can be any more annoying.  As I'm about to walk out of the bathroom Draco stands Infront of me without a shirt.

"Draco what do you want?" I say as I roll my eyes and look up at his face. 

"I've notice you and Blaise are buddy buddy now huh?" Draco says as he starts to step towards me which makes me take a step backwards.

"We aren't buddy buddy Draco we are just friends" I say still stepping backwards. 

"That's not what Blaise thinks" He says with a smirk as my back hits the door to his room.

"Well that's all Blaise, me and him are just friends and will never be anything more" I say as I look back up to him still very close Infront of me.  

"Might want to tell him that evergreen" He says with a little smirk on his face. 

"Why do you care?" I ask looking into his crystal grey and blue eyes. 

"I don't" He says backing away from me shrugging his shoulders as he walks to the shower.  "Might want to get out unless you want a free show" He says turning around and smirking at me as he lowers his hands to his pants.

"You wish" I say  as I walk back into my room and close and lock the door so Draco can' get into my room unannounced.  As I clear my head after what just happened, I start to think about it.  Why has he been so weird lately.  He has never cared about me and Blaise being friends, now we are just closer friends and nothing will come out of that even if Blaise wants that.  Never going to happen but why does Malfoy care.  Malfoy and I have always been best friends, ever sense we were tiny.  Even as my best friend there are things that he doesn't know and it will stay like that. We have classes tomorrow together so I'll ask him what's up with himself tomorrow even though I highly doubt he will answer without sarcasm.  That is enough thinking about that, I need to do something relaxing before bed or else I won't be able to sleep at all. So I grab my book and lay down on my bed and start reading.  I can feel myself getting really tired so I put my book down and close my eyes and drift off to sleep.  


Draco Malfoy x Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now