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CHLOE drives her truck down the street out of campus. I was still looking at the parking area we left.

"Oh my God.... Nathan Prescott is a mess. And dangerous... This day never ends..."

"Oh, and thank you, Chloe!" After five years, you're still Max Caulfield," Chloe said.

I looked down and shifted uncomfortably in the chair.

"Don't give me a guilty face. At least pretend you're happy to see me."

"I am indeed very happy to see you. Oh, and thank you, Chloe. It makes sense that I met you today."

"Yeah, that's the kind of day. So what does that weirdo want from you?"

"Hopefully nothing happens after today. So how do you know Nathan?"

"He's just an Arcadia bastard... Your friend really took a beating for you."

"Warren? Yes, I owe him a lot," I said.

"You're not the only one in debt, Max... and you're already causing trouble."

I took a breath. "I thought it would be quiet here. It feels very strange to be back."

"So I guess Seattle sucks?" Chloe asked.

"No, Seattle feels like a real city for artists, big and bright. Great for taking pictures."

"Yeah, it must be hard going back to a country town like Arcadia again..."

I smiled and looked at her. "Not after seeing you."

"Please, miss. You come back for Blackwell Academy."

"Of course. It's one of the best photography programs in the country... and my favorite teacher, Mark Jefferson."

Chloe cleared her throat. "So you went back to Arcadia to find a teacher...not your best friend."

"Don't you think I'm glad to see you?"

"No. You're happy to wait five years without a phone call, or even a text."

I was silent for a moment. "Sorry. I know things were hard for you when I was gone."

"How do you know? You're not even here."

"I didn't make my parents move specifically to forget you, Chloe."

"You've been at Blackwell for almost a month without telling me."

"I just want to settle down and not be a shy cliche junkie. I will absolutely contact you," I said earnestly.

"I'm sure you didn't use this sad excuse on Mr. Jefferson... Don't use it on me, Max."

I fell back into the chair behind me. Chloe is different. She was no longer an innocent girl with thin brown hair flowing down to cover part of her face. Now she's more of a hipster punk with faded Levi's and short spiky blue hair that falls past her ears. She wore a brick red beanie hat to cover her head.

I bent down to pick up my camera to capture this image of my childhood friend who is now an adult. Oh damn! My camera is broken. This must be because Nathan pushed me earlier.

"It's broken. Oh man, are you cereal?"

"Wow, haven't heard that for a long time..."

"Not everything has changed, Chloe. Unless my camera is officially broken."

"My damn stepfather has a lot of equipment. Maybe it can be repaired at my place..."

"I need a very specific little tool."

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