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I ran back to Chloe's truck and we went to the junkyard. Chloe stopped the truck, opened the door, and ran. I followed.

"Chloe, slow down! Wait for me!"

It felt like my lungs were about to burst. Curiosity mixed with adrenaline. Even though I couldn't see it directly, I knew tears were already crying out from Chloe's eyes as we ran through the junkyard.

"I know exactly where I'm going!"

Chloe ran to the corner of the junkyard near the Steve's Famous Crab sign. The sound of the train increased the speed of my heartbeat. I was still panting, following her crouching on the ground.

"Look, here it is! Here it is!" Chloe exclaimed.

Chloe started digging with her hands. There was only land, land, and land... Frustrated she  explored all possibilities to find her friend.

"Will you help me, Max?"

I, who had been frozen, started to move my hands. I hate this like an atomic bomb. If we don't find it, we'll look again, and if we do, it can only mean one thing.

Before my fingers touched something soft under the ground, my nose found it first. The worn blue jeans were still attached to something and the decomposing animal was covering them warmly.

I dug again until I reached a larger chunk, on top of a black short-sleeved t-shirt that was worn and dirty with dirt stains, there was an incomplete face that had entered the stage of decay with messy dark brown hair partially covering it. There are blue bird feather earrings that are characteristic of the girl we are looking for.

"Chloe, stop! Look!"

"Please, don't..." Chloe's voice broke.

"That smell..." I backed away because I couldn't stand in front of the hole we dug any longer.

"Rachel... Oh, Rachel, no, no! Please, not her!"

I covered my mouth with my hand. Chloe moved a few meters away and vomited. I ran over to her and put one hand on her shoulder and the other on her back, trying to comfort her.


"Rachel... why?"

We cried uncontrollably.

"Sorry, Chloe. I'm sorry..."

Chloe hugged her knees to her chest, sobbing, and covered her face with her hands. I sobbed too and put my hands on Chloe's shoulders and hugged her.

"I love her so much... How could she die? What kind of world does this? Who does this?"






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