Chapter 3

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© kelliekook

A violent shiver ran up Rachel's spine as she huddled close to Jaz, the incessant beat of  the nightclub Aqua's music thumping loudly behind them. Off to the left a bunch of girls in tiny, tight dresses fell out of a cab laughing and squealing. Rachel resisted the urge to gag, she wasn't nearly drunk enough for this. On the corner of the street Brianna puffed away absently on a cigarette, texting her boyfriend, while Madison leaned against the clubs wall nearby, flirting outrageously with some stranger. Typical.

They'd been out for maybe two, three, hours but to Rachel it felt like years. Her head was aching from having to listen to that awful, headache-inducing noise that they had the audacity to call music and all she wanted to do was go home, take some Panadol and go to bed. Plus her feet were killing her -- and her shoes were only slightly heeled, she shuddered to think what all the other women were feeling, tip-toeing around on those pointy heels.

She should never have agreed to go out with her friends in the first place, after all there was that book on Calligraphy she had yet to study, not to mention she still hadn't perfected the piano piece she was currently working on – there was just that one section she just hadn't quite perfected...yet. There was so much she could have been doing!

Rachel stepped away from Jaz and began to pace on the sidewalk, fidgeting with her hands as she worried about how she was going to catch up on all the time wasted going out for this blasted article!

Who was she kidding? She couldn't do this, it wasn't her and this article would tear her to shreds, just look at what it had already done to her schedule.

No--that was it--she would not stand for this any longer. On Monday she was going to march into Mr Denson's office and tell him she couldn't do it. Rachel was a good writer, he'd said that hadn't he? She could definitely find another job at a different paper. Couldn't she?

Madison glanced absently across at Rachel as she talked nonchalantly with Tony, a very good looking stranger who had bought her a drink earlier.

She had been listening to him talk about his trip to Europe with interest when she saw Rachel standing rigid on the sidewalk, frantically chewing her nails while Jaz looked on anxiously, perplexed as to what she should do.

It became clear to Madison that Rachel was probably beginning to have second thoughts about this whole 'experience' thing. She looked back at Tony, god he was cute, but she had to do the right thing. Bloody Rachel.

With a small sigh she interrupted Tony, "Hey, look, I'm sorry to interrupt but, see my friend over there?" she gestured to Rachel, they both turned to look at her, "She's a little freaked out over something and, as her friend, I feel it's my duty to go slap some sense into her."

He laughed then returned his gaze to Madison, "Right, well, it was nice talking to you anyway Madison. Is there, um, any chance I could have your number?"

Madison resisted the urge to scream yes and instead beamed up at him, "Of course, let me just see if I have anything to write on." She rummaged through her bag and found a perfume sample card. It'll do, she thought, before hastily scribbling down her number and handing it to Tony.

He smiled and smelt the card, "Thanks, I'll call you."

"I hope you will." 

Madison was still grinning like a fool when she reached Rachel. She took a deep breath before she stepped forward and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"I know what you're thinking Rachel West, you're thinking of quitting," Rachel opened her mouth to protest but closed it upon seeing Madison's glare, "and don't you dare even think of doing so. You've worked your ass off for this chance, don't you want to look back one day and feel proud of yourself for not giving up?" Rachel simply nodded mutely in agreement, Madison knew better though. Rachel's mind wasn't completely at ease – but then again it never was – this was the best response she could hope for now. Madison resolved to tear into her later, when their minds were clear of all and any intoxicating elements.

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