Chapter 7

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© kelliekook

"Ah, Nora Roberts – now there's a woman that can create a man of excellent standards."

Madison rested her head against the couch, closing her eyes and smiling through her haze of hormonal bliss.

Rachel, who stood with her back to Madison, simply rolled her eyes as she poured some milk into her tea.

"Isn't love great!" Madison cooed, grinning like a fool.

Rachel turned to face her, one eyebrow raised. "Geez, it wasn't that good was it?" She gazed apprehensively at the book that lay by Madison's side and looked back at her friends flushed face and toothy grin.

That's why you refused to read romance, Rachel mused to herself as she sat down at the table, you didn't want to wind up like that.

"It's not just the book," Madison answered, "it's just love in general, life in general." Her eyes flung open as she sat upright, she turned to Rachel with her eyes wide. "I'm losing it aren't I?"

Rachel took another sip of her tea and smiled. "I wouldn't say losing it," Madison sighed and fell back on the couch, "but you're would you put it? Lovey-dovey at the moment. You know, more than usual." Rachel continued with a shrug.

Madison scoffed. "Gee, thanks for the emotional support there Rach."

Rachel sighed. "You know what I mean. You've just been a little 'up in the clouds' as of late." She frowned into her cup before looking up and asking. "Why is that?"

"Well," Madison let out a long sigh, "you know how you went out with Bri and Jaz the other night, and I didn't go with you because I went on a date?" Rachel grimaced and made a noise of acknowledgement. "He's the reason."

"Oh." Was all Rachel could think to say.

"He's just such a gentleman, and he's good looking, and sweet – not to mention stable! I mean, I don't think I could handle another Jeremy."

Rachel frowned at the memory of Madison's last partner. "Neither could I." She murmured. 

Jeremy had been the worst of Madison's long line of interesting partners over the years. Not only was he a pompous, self-obsessed prick, but he was also a dead-beat actor who after going out on one date with Madison moved into their apartment and stayed there for several weeks. Needless to say it didn't take long for that relationship to go sour.

It did take Rachel a while, however, to get his smell completely out of the apartment.

"Exactly, and besides, there's just something about this guy that makes him different, makes him special compared to all the others." Madison picked up a pillow and hugged it to her chest. "Every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach. When he touches me – even if it's the slightest brush – I get goose bumps. When he says my name my body tingles all over. And, when he kissed me," Madison grinned, "I felt like I was on fire."

Rachel stared off dreamily into the distance.

Everything that her best friend had just described resonated with her to the core, those butterflies, those goose bumps, those tingles – that was what Rachel kept feeling every time she was with Nathan.

Rachel looked to her friend, lying on the couch with a goofy, love-struck grin on her face and she considered telling her about him.

It would be nice to have someone to relieve all the pent-up feelings of confusion and frustration that she felt every time she thought of her current Nathan/Shane situation. Yet, would Madison understand? She'd never been in any type of position that related to hers, but that didn't  necessarily mean she couldn't help her.

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