Chapter 5

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© kelliekook

The beer bottles clinked loudly as Tony crammed the remains of the six-pack into the fridge, all the while talking happily about his current fling.

"I dunno mate, I think this one's different." He took a swig from his beer and turned to Nathan. "I mean, we've only had the one date and I'm already keen to see her again. That must mean she's special, right?"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "You said the same thing about Amber, and Danielle and, what was that chick's name? You know, the really odd name that sounded like a Grandmas?"

Tony scowled as he joined Nathan on the couch. "Gertrude. Her name was Gertrude."

Nathan snickered. "Oh yes, that's right, Gertrude." He coughed to cover his laugh.

"It's not funny."

"No of course it's not, do you see me laughing?"

Tony glowered at him. "Don't be a dick."

Nathan seized control of his laughter and smiled across at his friend. "Sorry mate. But you have to admit, it is pretty funny." Tony frowned at him. "Okay, okay. No, no it isn't."

Nathan's face suddenly grew serious and he sighed. "I just think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself here, like you always do. You need to take things slow for once, as you said you've only had one date. Why rush things?"

"I suppose." Tony muttered.

Nathan turned his attention to the television and dropped the subject. It was clear Tony didn't want to discuss it any further. This was good in a way, Nathan supposed, as he didn't really want to talk about Tony's love life either. But rather, think about his own or, more particularly, Rachel.

It had been only one day since he'd seen her last at the gym, but man did it feel like forever. Over twenty-four hours of torturous memories of that delicious, spicy, floral scent she managed to send his way - even after a workout. Of her smile, the way she was always tucking her hair behind her ears. He loved her hair, she was so put together and the wild curls seemed to be the only thing she hadn't quite managed to control. He imagined what it would be like to be the one tucking strands behind her ears and couldn't quite hide his grin.

"So who is she?"

Nathan's jumped and tried not to flush, "What?" He rubbed his temples as reality slowly came back into focus. "What did you say?"

Tony sniggered into his bottle. "What I asked was, who is she?"

"Who's who?"

"Oh don't give me that crap," Tony chuckled quietly before taking a sip of his beer, "you can't tell me that that ridiculous smile you just had on that face of yours wasn't because of some girl." Tony looked thoughtful for a moment. "Unless there's something you've neglected to tell me."

Nathan rolled his eyes and put down his beer on the coffee table. "Now who's being the dick?"

Tony laughed lightly but studied Nathan carefully. "No, seriously, tell me about her. I haven't seen you smile like that in years."

"Well," Nathan grinned, "I met her when we were leaving that club the other night. I bumped into her by accident, I mean, she just kind of came out of nowhere." Tony smiled knowingly then nodded; Nathan picked up his beer and took a sip. "I was completely taken off guard. I mean there she was; all curvy figure, cute smile and these insane red curls. I lost any ability to function properly. So I managed an apology and practically ran away."

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