Chapter 11

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© kelliekook   

Madison heard the sound of the lock clicking and looked up from the television screen to see Rachel stumble into the apartment, slamming the door behind her.

"Don't ask," Rachel mumbled bitterly, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

Madison watched her walk down the hallway, a worried frown creasing her brow, and sighed as Rachel's bedroom door closed resolutely behind her.

Oh dear, Madison thought as she turned back to the screen, what happened there?


A single drop of barbecue sauce dribbled down the side of Nathan's chin as he bit furiously into his burger. The importance of proper eating etiquette far from his mind as he chewed resentfully on the bits of bun, cheese, lettuce and meat.

He'd spent the last two days sulking around his office and avoiding any conversations with his co-workers that weren't of absolute necessity. Causing them, of course, to all stick their noses into his personal business, relentlessly pestering him with questions about whether he was okay or not.

Nathan frowned as he wiped the sauce from his chin with the back of his hand.

As if it was their problem anyway? He wasn't a naïve child or a wiseacre teenager anymore, he was a grown man, he didn't need their help and he certainly didn't want their sympathy.

The frown slipped from his face as it dawned on him just how ridiculous he was being, he swallowed loudly before putting the burger down.

With a sigh he made a mental note to apologise to his fellow employees when he went back to work in a few hours. In the meantime, it was probably best if he tried to calm down a little. Maybe he could spend some time strolling through the streets or maybe go to the park, he could even check out that plasma screen Tony had been eyeing u–

Nathan's phone vibrated in his pocket, he jumped before taking it out to check the identification. His jaw went slack as he gawked at glowing white letters.


He hesitated a second before accepting. "Hi Nathan." 

He smiled at the sound of her voice, despite everything he was feeling he couldn't seem to help it. "Hey Rachel, what's up?"

She cleared her throat. "I, er, just needed to call you and make sure everything was know...between us." 

"Oh..." Nathan sat back in his chair, completely put on the spot.

There was a pause on the other end as she waited for him to say something more, when he didn't she spoke up. "So, er...are we?" 

Nathan hated how uneasy she sounded and responded without thinking. "Of course. We're still friends, why wouldn't we be?"

"That's –oh–um– friends?" 

 Nathan closed his eyes and imagined signing away all his chances. Friends? Christ he was stupid.

"Yeah, friends, why did you, think I am interested in you or something?" Wow, he really was just on fire today. 

"I um," Rachel coughed, "I just, um...yes. Yes, I did.How silly of me!" She laughed without humour. "I'm afraid I don't have much experience when it comes to men and interpreting their feelings towards me. Sorry, just forget it."

He was shit, no, he was worse than shit.  

He gave a very fake chuckle of laughter. "Oh, I see, well that's okay Rach, nothing to be embarrassed about. All you need is a little experience."

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