Chapter 12

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{DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the content of 'How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World' used in this chapter, all context is property of Jordan Christy and I do not claim any form of rights to her work.}


© kelliekook

At 9:45am Rachel sat down at the brand new computer she had received from her parents for Christmas last year -- a cup of tea in hand and the conviction that she would write at least one line of her article that wasn't absolute rubbish.

It had been over a week since Mr. Denson had assigned her the task and all she had to show for it was a measly title, a horrid collection of events that led to her throwing up on her date's shoes AND a newly developed hate towards herself for not refusing him when she was so clearly besotted with someone else!

She gave a long, miserable sigh and took a sip of tea.

"Where to start? Where to start?" Rachel stared at the blank word document that glowed ominously back at her.

Start with some background, she decided finally, and opened up her internet browser.

Her fingers drummed along the keys as she quickly typed 'dating advice' into the Google search bar.

She snorted.

Virtually all the results were dating websites, all urging her to join their 'secure and safe' sites to help her 'find a relationship that means something!' Except for one result, that was actually a definition of the word dating itself. Rachel smiled, too broad.

She cleared the search bar and typed 'why can't girls chase men?' There, she thought triumphantly as she hit enter, I can't make it any more obvious than that.

A variety of articles flashed up on the screen.

'How to Become Romantic' the first one stated, she frowned, not quite. 'Quotes and Sayings about Men'? Nope. 'Looking for Mr Right? Then let him come to you – a look at the new book by Jordan Christy.' Rachel hesitated, then decided it couldn't kill her and clicked the link.

A pretty blonde woman smiled back at her, published book in hand. She scrolled down and started reading:

'Author of "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World", Jordan Christy, says that in order to snag the man, young women should leave them to the chasing. Today we're lucky enough to give you a small excerpt in which she writes that, if women are looking for love, they should not pursue men.

Let him come calling

Turns out our mother was right — ladies shouldn't make the first move. Let's be honest, do you really want to have to tell your children, "That's right, kids, I had to beat down your father's door and constantly create diversions to get his attention! I sent multiple text messages, wore my shortest skirts, and practically threw myself at him before he noticed me. But don't you worry, I eventually wore him down!" Of course not. We all want a guy to approach us, fall madly in love, and not be able to wait to call us.'

Rachel rolled her eyes, right, so how do you make that happen then?

She decided to persist.

The next line was her exact question, followed by a page worth of answers. Engrossed, Rachel sat and continued to read Christy's advice.

An hour later, after five more cups of tea and two slices of toast, Rachel was the new proud owner of a "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World."

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