Chapter 10

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© kelliekook    

Socialising had never been one of Rachel's high points. 

During school, her social life was practically non-existent. Unless, of course, you counted a few free lunchtimes she spent watching Madison chat with their peers as 'socialising'.

Needless to say, friends didn't come easily.

It wasn't so much she had trouble making friends, it was that she had trouble keeping them. What with her various commitments and all, she hadn't had the time then and she didn't have it now.

Except lately, that hadn't seemed to be a legitimate reason. Instead of attending extra Pilate's classes or listening to Bach while she practiced her calligraphy, she had gone out with friends - talked to men, organised a date with one and even befriended the other. Her first new friend in years.

A loud, ominous growl broke her concentration and she looked down.

The contents in her stomach churned around restlessly, begging her to ingest some type of food or sustenance.

I can't, she silently spoke to her stomach, every time I think of eating you just want to send the little food you have in there back up again.

Rachel rolled over and sighed, she had to get up, she had to eat (or at least try to)and she had to think about it, regardless of how much she seriously didn't want to.

With a grunt she managed to heave her legs to the side of the bed and forced herself out of its warm security. She stood there for a moment, swaying slightly, fighting off the siren call of her bed.

With one last wistful look, she left her room and shuffled down the hallway to the kitchen.

Madison sat at the kitchen table, munching absently on her corn flakes while she flicked through a magazine. She glanced up when Rachel entered and pulled a face at the sight of her. "Yikes, someone looks like they're in a mother of a foul mood this morning."

Rachel flashed Madison a heated glare as she slumped into the kitchen and put on two pieces of toast.

Madison rolled her eyes as she shoved the last spoonful of cereal into her mouth. "I would ask what's wrong," she said after she swallowed the mouthful of food, "but I have to be at work in," she glanced at her watch and cursed, "five minutes!"

"Okay." Rachel grumbled.

"Still," Madison said, turning Rachel around to face her, "if I did have the time, I would say that I know you mustn't be looking forward to tonight. You've never done this before and you planned to keep it that way, and hey, I get that. But you can do this Rach. You're an intelligent, beautiful, young lady and it won't take much to charm this guy into liking you – thus gaining the knowledge you need for your article. Plus," Madison smiled, "give the guy a chance; you might be surprised by how great relationships can be."

Rachel felt like a no-good, lying scumbag. Right then she wanted to tell Madison the truth so badly, but she didn't, she couldn't.

Rachel gulped and gave a weak smile. "Thanks Maddy, I feel a lot better now." She lied.

Madison grimaced. "I'm not an idiot you know, but I have to go, so I'll just have to accept that for now." Madison gave her a sympathetic look before pulling Rachel into a bone crushing hug. "Good luck. You'll do great." She whispered before letting go and rushing to grab her bag. "I'll want all the details as soon as you get home tonight!" Madison gushed. "And have fun!" She called as she sprinted out the door.

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