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(Human Form)

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(Human Form)

(Dragon Sovereign Form)

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(Dragon Sovereign Form)

Name: Soleil

Birthday: January 3

Age: 1,000+

Ancient Dragon Authority: Light, The Seven Elements of Teyvat

Weapon: Catalyst

Title: The Rightful King of the Heavens, the Dragon Sovereign of Light, the Sovereign Above All Sovereigns

Favorite Food: Potato Gratin

Disliked Food: Horrible Cooking

Hobbies: Playing the Violin, Composing Music


Basic Attack: Astra

Attacks 7 times with Luminous DMG.

Damage (Lvl 1-10): 80% - 800%

Charged Attack: High Authority of Light

Holding the attack button will allow Soleil to unleash a hail of Luminous projectiles that deals continous Heavy Luminous DMG for 5 seconds. The projectiles will trigger the Passive Talent "From Light ye came, to Light ye shall return."

If the Charged Attack triggers the Illuminated reaction, Soleil can temporarily change his element based on the element that Illuminated was reacted or the current element that is applied to Soleil himself.

The priority as follows: Dendro/Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro/Anemo/Geo

Damage (Lvl 1-10): 120% - 1440%

Elemental Skill: Prisma

Unleashes a fan shaped blast to deal Luminous DMG. Once the skill hits an enemy or makes contact with one of the Seven Elements, Soleil shall acquire "Prisma Shard."

Prisma Shards can increase into 10 maximum stacks. Three Prisma Shards can be created initially if the Elemental Skills doesn't trigger an elemental reaction.

Damage (Lvl 1-10): 700% - 4200%

Elemental Burst: The Light of Judgement

Soleil summons the Sea of Light that will overrun all corruption. Deals massive Luminous DMG. Damage can increase depending on the number of Prisma Shards consumed by activating the Elemental Burst.

Damage (Lvl 1-10): 800% - 4800%

Passive 1: From Light you came, to Light ye shall return

Soleil triggers the "Illuminate" Elemental Reaction. It can react to all the Seven Elements.

The Illuminate Reaction deals increased damage when it creates contact with the other elements.

Passive 2: The Sun Rules All

After the Elemental Burst "The Light of Judgement" was activated, it creates another Five Prisma Shards that will strike the target immediately and deal Luminous Damage.

Passive 3: The Heaven's Domain

Damage and Energy Recharge increases based by 28% of Soleil's Max Atk.

The Sovereign of the Heavens and the Lady of Justice (Furina x OC)Where stories live. Discover now