Questions about the OC

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How did Aeon, Soleil's dragon predecessor came to be the God of Dragons?

How did Aeon, Soleil's dragon predecessor came to be the God of Dragons?

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Aeon is the Primordial Dragon. From his Seven Reversed Scales which contained fragments of their power, were the Seven Dragon Sovereigns. From the scales they discarded from molting their skin, were the Vishaps and the other dragons. From the shard of his horn, was the Dragon King.

The Dragon King, the Seven Sovereigns, and the rest of dragonkind recognized Aeon as their progenitor and their god. With this in mind, Aeon created a world that will be suited for the dragons. Thus they created a world from their power.

This world eventually came to be known as Teyvat, the Ark of Light.

Once Teyvat was created, Aeon took a long, long, slumber until the "First Descender" or known as the "Usurper King" descended upon Teyvat.

Why was Soleil born a human rather than a perfect dragon?

Just like Neuvillette, the Hydro Sovereign, Soleil was born into a human form. But unlike the Iudex, the Successor of Aeon was born a human all because the power and authority of Soleil's predecessor was severely weakened when they fought the Usurper King for stealing the Seven Dragon Authorities.

Aeon was wounded and their power was spent that they had no choice but to pass on. With the last of Ancient Dragon's power, they passed on their weakened authority to their next successor, Soleil. In order for Aeon's authority to be hidden from the Usurper, they decided to create a human vessel to inherit the authority.

That vessel was none other than Soleil.

How was Soleil born?

When Aeon completed the ritual of succession, the ancient dragon sealed Soleil inside a cosmic egg. They put the egg beneath the depths of the Primordial Sea to completely conceal it.

Aeon passed on their last remaining power to begin the process of reincarnation. When the Rite of Succession concluded, the Progenitor of Dragons was no more as they dispersed into particles of light that gathered around the cosmic egg.

It was only a thousand years ago (500 years before the Cataclysm) that Soleil gained his awareness but didn't emerge from his spot as his power was still weak (A/N: Think of Soleil as a baby dragon here that was still in the middle of incubation). He only emerged around 200 years after the Cataclysm. It was also during that time that he met Neuvillette.

Did Focalors knew Soleil?

Spoilers ahead.

Before Focalors even became the Hydro Archon, she discovered the egg long before. Egeria, the former Hydro Archon felt something went wrong at the very center of the Primordial Sea. So she sent Focalors to investigate the cause.

Focalors, who was still an oceanid familiar of Egeria during that time, discovered the egg, and Soleil who was asleep. Focalors fell in love with Soleil, so she decided to keep it a secret from Egeria.

Focalors visited Soleil (Soleil was still asleep and he's unaware of what was happening) almost everyday. Even on the day where Focalors ascended to become the Hydro Archon.

During the Cataclysm, Focalors immediately rushed to the Primordial Sea to guard the egg. It just so happened that the Abyss was also targetting the Primordial Sea, so Focalors protected egg (Soleil) with all of her might.

After Focalors' ascension, she pulls out the egg from the Primordial Sea, and she concealed it within the waves of the ocean. It was only 200 years after the Cataclysm where Soleil woke up and saw Teyvat with his own two eyes.

Does Soleil know Yanfei?

Yes. Soleil was Yanfei's teacher. Yanfei even said that in terms of legal prowess, no one could ever match her teacher (Soleil). Yanfei thinks highly of Soleil as he taught her how to deal with various legal issues and how to conduct herself in trial as a defense lawyer. Yanfei even mentioned Soleil to Shinobu.

Does Furina always visit Soleil's Law Office?

She does whenever she was bored from the trials and cases. Whenever she was there, she will ask Soleil for some of his case files and read them.

Furina was impressed that despite Soleil having lost trials, it actually led to the truth.

She would often mumble, "How I wish I can join you on the defense's side once more. I never thought that defending your client would be that fulfilling."

At some point, Furina thought to herself that if she wasn't the Hydro Archon, she would definitely be a lawyer working under Soleil and defending her clients.

Though she won't admit that out loud.

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