Chapter 2: The Dark Age of the Law (Part 2)

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3rd POV. 4:38 AM. Soleil Law Office, Court of Fontaine.

Soleil woke up after pulling an all-nighter organizing the case files and court records for the trial that he'll face.

When his eyes finally adjusted.....

He saw none other than Furina, asleep with the files scattered around her. If this was to be interpreted, they may think she was messing around.

But no.....

Last night, Soleil saw a side that he never expected to see in Furina. She read the case files and tried to connect the dots......but with how sudden the incident was.....she knew they won't be going somewhere.

As for Furina........she saw a legendary lawyer at work. Professional and organized. She saw how Soleil grew as a lawyer. She began to think back on the first day that they met in court.....

Never did she expect she'll work together with him on the defense's side.

Back to the present.....

Soleil decided to pull a blanket and placed it over Furina.

Soleil: Thank you, Furina.

Soleil decided to step out of the office and conduct his investigation.

Since no one was awake during this time.....he knew that the aquabus won't be operated until morning comes.

So he decided to.....use his powers.

As a Dragon Sovereign who was born in a human form, his dragonhood wasn't complete.

But not because his predecessor made a mistake, it was because during the sucession rites.....the predecessor was already weakened from their wounds
they received from their duel against the Usurper.

Thus the only way for him to gain his full power back was the following condition.

"One of the Seven Sovereigns should regain back their elemental authority. Once that came to pass, the Sovereign Above All Sovereigns shall too finally regain their full dragonhood."

In his human form.....he sprouted feathered wings of light....

Soleil: The Anemo Archon can fly.....only under the shadows of the gods.

It didn't took long for Soleil to arrive at the Opera Epiclese or what remained of it.

He saw that the Gardes are on duty......considering that it was a courthouse bombing after all.

Garde 1: Ah, Sir Soleil!

The Garde gave a salute to Soleil, to which he reciprocated by doing the same action.

Soleil: I am here to investigate for my case.

Garde 1: Of course.

Soleil: Oh, and by the way, did the prosecution conducted their investigation?

Garde 1: Yes. Oh, and the prosecutor.......assigned prosecutor.....

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