Chapter 3: The Spina di Rosula Case Files

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3rd POV. Soleil Law Office. 20 years ago.

One day at the Soleil Law Office.

Soleil: So far no clients......but that is because I can only take a few one at a time.

Soleil: But even if I mentored some lawyers, they still failed to defend their clients.

Soleil: It's been over 60 years since the Dark Age of the Law has ended.

Soleil: With the reformed court proceedings and investigations....

Soleil: Not to mention the rebuilding of Opera Epiclese....

Soleil: The Court of Fontaine is back in the running once again.

Soleil: Urgh.....

Soleil was about to put away his files when he heard a knock on his office.

Soleil: Come in.

A woman entered the office, and fear was painted on her face.

She quickly closed the door and scrambled to Soleil's desk.

Soleil: Madame, calm down! Is there something wrong!?

Woman: Mr. Soleil! Please, help me! Help me!

Soleil: W-What!? What's going on? Do you need a legal consultation or a request for a defense attorney—

Woman: T-The serial killer is after me!

Soleil: Serial killer?

Woman: Haven't you heard!? The serial disappearances that's been happening for around a few months now!

Soleil: !?

Soleil: And here I thought it was a ridiculous urban legend.

Soleil: And you encountered this perpetrator?

Woman: Yes! He was after me but I was able to escape!

Soleil: ....

Soleil: Miss, I don't know if you will be safe here. But how did you even know it was the serial killer?

Woman: I saw them abducting their latest victim!

Woman: You have to believe me, please!

Soleil: ......

Soleil: All right.'re still not safe here.

Soleil: I suggest we go straight to Monsieur Neuvillette and grant you special protection.

Woman: Thank you so much!

Soleil led the woman to Palais Mermonia.

They went to Neuvillette's office and gave him a rundown of the situation.

Neuvillette: Soleil, I want you to catch this serial killer.

Soleil: Easier said than done, Chief Justice.

Soleil: With an elusive serial will take time for me to trace their steps.

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