Chapter 1: The Dark Age of the Law (Part 1)

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3rd POV. 80 years ago. Grand Narukami Shrine, Narukami Island, Inazuma.

Neuvillette sent Soleil to Inazuma for some investigations about the Mikage Furnace.

Soleil: So you want me to go overseas and investigate this forge?

Neuvillette: This case also involves Fontaine in someway.

Neuvillette: Also, this case might've been at least 60+ years old.

Soleil: All right. You owe me 200,000 Mora on this one.

Neuvillette: Consider it done.

And thus Soleil sailed to the Archipelago Nation of Inazuma, the Land of Eternity.

Soleil admired the beauty of Narukami Island after the years of Cataclysm, but his purpose is not for sightseeing, he needs to do something.

He paid a visit to the Grand Narukami Shrine and met the Guuji, Yae Miko.

Miko: Hmm? An outlander.....

Soleil: I assume you're the Guuji of this shrine.

Miko: I am Yae Miko, the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine.

Soleil: I am Soleil, I hail from Fontaine. I am lawyer.

Miko: A lawyer from the Nation of Justice?

Soleil: Yes, I was sent here by the Chief Justice to investigate a certain case. Perhaps you heard of it.

Miko: And what is this case of?

Soleil: The Tragedy of the Prosecutor. Because the two major people involved in that case were Inazumans.

Miko: I see. I

Miko: What do you require?

Soleil: First off.......

When Soleil asked what he requires, Miko gave him the information that he needs.

Soleil: I see. To think such an incident caused damage.

Soleil: But what is not clear to me is the true culprit, their motives aren't clear and it's full of unanswered questions.

Miko: You're sharp. Considering you just heard the case a few seconds ago.

Soleil: One of the qualities a lawyer must possess.

Soleil: But think that foreigners were involved in this......

Soleil: I do hope this won't stain the diplomatic relationship of Inazuma and Fontaine.

Miko: It won't. So, are you planning on staying here in Narukami Island for a while?

Soleil: Yes. I would like to explore the Inazuman legal system.

Soleil: It may help me to author law books for aspiring lawyers as well.

Miko: That would be wonderful. Then, would you allow the Yae Publishing House to publish these law books?

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