Additional Voicelines

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Interesting Things

Hmmm, let's see......whenever my tasks began to overwhelm me....I would like to be in a isolated place. Bringing my violin with me, I would then play a melody that can help me soothe my soul.

Chat: About Clients

Can I even determine if my client was guilty of their crimes? No. But I would always find the truth even if my client turns out to be guilty.

If they're not, I will make sure to find the truth and bring the true culprit to justice.

Chat: About Forged Evidence

There was a period called "The Dark Age of the Law" that lasted for many decades. During that time, I would say that both sides, the defense and the prosecutions are willing to forge evidence for the sake of victory, and not for the truth. Thus, it leading both sides to tamper or submit falsified evidence.

As much as Furina didn't want to cooperate with me from the very beginning, it all changed when Opera Epiclese was bombed. From that point on, we worked together through the cases that ushered that dark era, and putting an end to it once and for all.

Chat: Faith

A true lawyer always have faith in their clients. After all, they cannot defense themselves. That is why I kept that faith, even if some of my clients are really guilty.

About Yanfei

Oh, so you met my student, Yanfei. She's a really great student. Though at first, she was kind of rash, especially during her first trial.

Throughout the years, she began to grow and I had nothing but respect about her abilities as a lawyer.

About Shinobu

Yanfei's underclassman. She is also diligent and intelligent, too. Really? She's working with a bunch of unemployed men?

I don't know what to say. You won't really know where life takes you.

Idle Voicelines

Idle Voiceline 1: Let your heart be at ease, and be free from all pain and suffering.

Idle Voiceline 2: When you have nothing left, the only thing that remains is the truth.

Idle Voiceline 3: There is always light and darkness within the soul.

Soleil's Troubles


A pain.....I want to go out for a while.

About the Abyss

Darkness is always creeping everywhere. Yet it is also my opposite. Hm? A Dragon Sovereign of the Abyss?

If there will be one, I wonder if we'll keep quiet and let the balance of the world be as it is or we'll fight each other to the death.

However, there is no evidence of the existence of the Abyss Dragon. Yet the Abyss Order is a threat to everyone yet at the same time, they also oppose the Usurper.

About the Heavenly Principles

The Usurper King who took my predecessor's rightful place among the heavens. Yet as of now, they are silent? Did the Cataclysm really took a toll on their power?

Or they simply gave up on this world? long as they are inactive, I can silently gather all of my power and obliterate that island in the sky.

It is a sight for sore eyes after all.

About Focalors (Change of Perspective)

I never believed that Focalors did all of that. If she had just come to me, I would've defended her from the gavel of Celestia.

After all, she didn't deserve to bear a sin that wasn't originally hers.

About Focalors (Origin)

When I found out that she concealed my existence from the Usurper King, I was thankful for her. If I was discovered then I wouldn't exist today.

So, just this once, I am thankful for her, even though she is under the flag of my enemy.

However, I guess she wasn't under the Usurper King's flag from the very beginning.

The Sovereign of the Heavens and the Lady of Justice (Furina x OC)Where stories live. Discover now