A Strange Quill

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When a girl made contact with someone who is not from here but from another world, she transformed into something when she touched a strange object. When taking the first step of the ground, everything went slow. What came is a blur, a flashing electric speed, and eyes of pure white. She cannot stop running and her feet won't stop, the ecstasy of her heart pounded with each racing step. The reason that she was born royal, the reason why she is the heart of the time, the only way that she is destined for.

Maybe that's where it all started.

Tom Wachowski hadn't expected nonstop action when he signed up for the force. Maybe the occasional car chase, he thought, or it'd be nice to foil a smuggling ring now and then. He certainly hadn't thought serving as a police officer in Green Hills meant shout outs and explosions all day long.

But he sat in his squad car at the town's only speed trap where no one ever seemed to speed by. It was as if Tom could feel all the excitement in the world passing him by.

Angel was another reason. She was a clever smart kid who knows everything about the world. Although she was sixteen years old, she often headed to college to study more. There is no school in Green Hills and she has been homeschooled so she can get smarter. Sometimes, Angel can hear strange things in her head and somehow wants to figure out where it came from and what legends are.

It was a very hot day and they were bored. Tom lifted his rader if the cars passed by. But there was nothing. He leaned his head back in his chair.

"Tom, do you read me? Are you there?" a man's voice answered. It was Wade Whippie, his friend who is in his office at the police station on the other side of town.

"No, Wade, I'm actually on a yacht in Barbados," Tom called him.

"That's amazing. Please send pics."

"Wade. I'm at the speed trap," he corrected him. "With my daughter."

"How did you get back so fast? Barbados is in the ocean!"

"Hang on," Angel said suddenly. "I think I got something, dad." In the street ahead of them, a green turtle shuffled its way across the gravel, unimpressed. Angel began to frown. "Aw, man. Just another turtle."

"Hey, buddy! Where's the fire?" Tom said in mock distress. "Got kids living around here! I thought it was kinda funny. Sorry."

That was how Tom's days went in Green Hills. In the morning, turtles are here on Route 9. Before lunch, save a cat out of Mrs. Potter's tree. Then spend the night shift getting soaked pushing Farmer Zimmer's pickup out of the mud. Everything just crawled on by. After his shift, take care of his daughter.

Green Hills was home. It always has been. And Angel and Tom knew every picket fence, public park, and lemonade stand in it. The town had all kinds of people living in its limits, and their job was to treat them all with the same respect. Just like his dad has done before him. It was the Wachowski family calling. But it wasn't enough.

Angel continued on reading her book and sketching cartoon characters in her book. "I'm bored, dad," she sighed. "There aren't any schools in Green Hills and I had some work that I had to do."

"Can you please wait a little longer, sweetie?" Tom told his daughter. "I'm trying to read the speed limit."

Then the red numbers on Tom's radar gun lit up. He straightened in his seat and checked the screen. It read 196 mph. How strange. This hasn't been there before. Tom looked both ways down the road before looking back at the rader.

Suddenly, a shadow zipped across the rearview mirror, startling Tom. He looked to see where the turtle was but it wasn't on the road. Something was lurking on the shoulder, some prankster out to play.

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