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Levy's POV

"Are we almost there" Lucy asked "yes just 5 more minutes" I replied. By the way I'm Levy McGarden. We are heading to the club to meet up with the other girls from the team. We have decided to go clubbing  cause we been away from home way to long. We had been over seas for 13 months we just came to have fun and to drink beer until we drop. well not me I don't drink and I'm the designated driver.

......time skip......

Me and Lucy arrived at the club and the girls were waiting in the line. I parked to car grabbed my bag. we walked over to the girls and said "hi girls ready to have some crazy fun maybe get laid " "Wow Lucy you must be really horny" Evergreen said "Now girls behave yourself" Mirajane said once we where in front  the line the door man stopped me and asked to see my ID so I showed him and he let me pass. I walked to the girls "so what are we going to start drinking and dancing" asked Canna "LETS DO IT " we all yelled together they started with the shots and in no time we were all dancing and having fun.

Gajeel's POV

I was at the bar with my team when Natsu said "Hey look at those girls they're the best peace of ass that have walked in all night" "what are you tak-" gray turned and didn't finish his sentence  " what are you perverts looking at they are probably ugly" I said as I turned to be shocked that the girls that just walked in are hot ass fuck. "I call blonde with big breast" Natsu said "girl with long white hair" Laxus said "the other white head with short hair" called Bixslow "the one with long blue hair with curls" gray said "one with light brown hair" Elfmen said "one with dark brown" Bacchus called out "red head is mine" Jellal said "looks like Gajeel gets little blue with no breast so sad man" Laxus said "i am not looking for some one right now ok Blondie" I called back " Want to make a bet guys" "what are you proposing Natsu" asked Bixslow "First one to get into one of those girls will get $1600 but you have to show us proof" "like what" "their thong got it" "your on " they all said "so Gajeel you in or not" "hell no" I said "alright then lets get started" Laxus said as they head for the dance floor "If you are going to do it make it quick got it" I said last time we were charged with attempted rape but we got out of it I watched as the boys went up to the girls. "Hey baby you want to dance with me I'll make your night worth remember" was their pick up line. the girls just said "Sorry don't want a worthless guy like you" said the girl with blonde hair to Natsu "get the fuck off no one wants you" with that Jellals girl walked away that girl looked scary to me and I'm Gajeel Redfox "what the fuck are you touching Juvia for I don't believe Juvia gave you permission to touch Juvia" gray got pushed aside "Sorry I ant looking for some one to dance with tonight" the two girls with long and short white hair said to Laxus and Bixslow "What do you want you lowlife" "Who you calling a lowlife girl I have you know I am -" "OOh I know who you are but you still suck get out o my face" Bacchus  just got told. "Sorry looking for some one way better the you buddy" Elfmen got a pat to the back "nice try maybe next time okay" they all looked pissed before I know it the boys were dragging the girls to the hall way "Fuck not again" I said under my breath as I took my last sip of my beer. I walked toward the hall way as I was about to walk in I bumped  into the small blue head I saw earlier with the group of girls "watch were you are walking dumbass" "what ever. bitches first " " Assholes follow" she said back. As we walked in we heard " who the fuck do you girls think you are talking to" Natsu said. The guys had all the girls pinned up against the wall in a line one next to the other. "No one important" the Blondie said " what the fuck did you girls do I'm gone for five minutes and you get yourselves in a mess"  " it wasn't us this time captain they started it" the Blondie said " I don't give a fuck you know better then to start problem's" "Wait did she just say captain" "yeah so  why do you care pinkie" "what did you just say bitch stupid Blondie" Natsu said. the girl was about to uppercut Natsu but "Lucy do you want to go to jail we just got back come on OK boys let my girls go" the short blue hair girl said. "And if we don't what are you going to do about it little blue," I looked at the shorty and I saw in her eyes that she was about to go crazy on him. "What the fuck did you just call me." said the little blue head. "L-I-T-T-L-E B-L-U-E" Natsu said. "Um can you like let go please I don't have a death wish thank you" said the blonde that Natsu was holding. "What is she going to do she is so short, im pretty sure I can hold her back with one arm. Like come on look at her." he replied. "Levy please don't go crazy do you remember what happened last time. I think he is still in the hospital even after a year. Now pinky please let me go." the blonde said. "Hey levy I don't think you should be doing this right now. Cant you just let it out when we go on another mission" said the girl with the long white hair. "Shut up no one gave you permission to speak" Laxus said to her. "What did you just said to me" her face went  from 'if you let me go I let you live' face to 'I'm going to kill you look' "I said shut the fuck up bitch no one is talking to you" "Permission to kill captain" "Permission not granted. You know the rules. He will kill us if he found out" "Just this once please" I said no let it go" "Yes sir" she looked away and it looked like she is struggling to hold her self back.

Levy (POV)

I was getting tired of playing games with team one I just want to leave they ruined our night put. "Girls who else is tired of this game." I asked "I am" they all said at the same time. "Well then lets excuse our selves." I said.Then the girl said "Yes Sir" "Oh and make it fast we have places to be" "As you wish captain." they said. Then they grabbed their arm's and twisted them, then grabbed a chunk of the guys hair and slammed them against the wall. "Did I just hear a jaw snap" I asked. "Sorry it was pinky over here" Lucy said. "Lucy I told you not so much damage. Pop it back into place right now" I ordered, then we heard the pop. "Bro you good" asked the guy with long jet black hair. "I am going to kill her right here right" Natsu said. "Calm down Natsu its not that bad" said the guy Juvia pinned up against the wall. Then I saw Juvia pull his hair and slam him against the wall again. "Did Juvia give you permission to speak. I don't believe Juvia did. Did you guys hear Juvia say he could speak" she asked. "Nope not at all" answered Lisanna. "Okay so did you learn not to speak unless spoken too." "Aright, Alright lets me go already." said the guy. "Yeah let us all go you Bitches" the all said together. Without even say a word to each other the girls all did the same thing and slammed the guys against the wall again with a little to much force because they made wholes in the wall. I kind felt bad for the men but then I remember what they called me little blue.

Gajeel (POV)

I was done watching my men getting beat up by girls I mean the fuck they're girls for crying out loud. "Hey do you think you can call off your pack of bitches" I asked little blue. "Excuse me but if it weren't for your dogs this wouldn't be happening" she replied with a little attitude. "I don't like that attitude shrimp" I said. "I don't like you period." she said. "I will have you know that I am liked by people" I said. "Oh that's nice but your family doesn't count" she said. " I don have a family to like me." I said. She gasped, "What, What happened?" I asked a little scared. "I almost gave a fuck." she said "Oh so  that's how it is going to be." I said. "I still don't care. Girls lets go" then the girls let go of guys and were leaving. "Wait who the fuck are you" asked Jellal. "your worst nightmare." said the red head. "We know that but what are your name." asked Bixslow. "I am Lisanna" the girl with the short white hair said. " I am Cana" the one with dark brown hair said. "I am Evergreen" said the girl with light brown hair. "I am Mira" said the girl with long white hair. "I am Erza" said the red head. "I am Juvia" said the girl with the long blue hair. "I am Lucy" said the blonde. "And I an Levy." said the one with short blue hair. "And we are Seal Team Two" then they walked out. "Well at lest nothing happened to me. HAHAHA you idiots got beat up by girls. But that little Blue has an attitude." I said and laughed after. The I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned only to me greeted by a fist to the stomach then an upper cut to the face witch caused me to make contact with the wall behind me. "What the fuck is wrong with you" I asked. "Call me little blue one more time." she said with a cocky attitude. "I swear I would hit you if you where not a girl." I said holding my head. "Bitch please you would do it if it was a girl in training wouldn't you?" she said and walked away. I reached for her hand and pinned her against the wall "Look do I have to teach you a lesson on how to behave like a women should." I said. "I will act like women when you start acting like a Redfox." she said to me. I don't know what came over me but I raised my hand and swung at her but right before it hit her my hand was stopped by the red headed women. "Is this how a Redfox act's. they are right you put a shame to the name. you make me sick." she said. I then swung at her but she punched me in the gut witch send me flying across the room. "The lest you can do is try and act like one." I got mad at the comment and charged at her. But failed to hit her. "You dare mess with a scarlet. Levy we are leaving now." But Erza I want to sta-" "I said now." "Okay I am going." levy said. "What a shame you let lower rankings tell you what to do I mea what kind of captain are you." I said. "One that stands beside my team not behind them, one that fights with them not one that uses them As shields." said Levy and the walked out leaving me in shock with no words to say. 'How the fuck does she know about that' I thought to my self. "Gajeel lets head back to base okay I will give you a ride." said Natsu. "No it's fine ill walk its only an hour away." I said with my head down. "Fine but be save and get there fast." said Bacchus. And with that they left me. I then went to get my jacket and walked out of the club.


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