The truth behind the pain part 1

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Elfman POV
"What do you guys want to know." I asked them. "We let's start with Evergreen" I said after nobody talked. "Let's see we're should I begin. When Evergreen was around eight she lost her mother in a car accident. The crash was bad. She woke up in the car. She unbuckled her seatbelt and made her way out. The moment she stood up straight she looked straight at her mom who was laying there life less she ran up to her and the moment she picked up her mothers head her mothers eyes shot up and with the little strength she had left she picked up her hand and placed it on her check and Said "Ever I love you and I want to you to know that you and your bothers mean the world to me. I love you" In that moment she took her last breath and her hand dropped to the ground and died right on her lap. That's not the worst part after her mothers death her father became a drunk and abusing her. Then on day after about 7 years, her father came home with a hand gun and Amed it at her and told her that it was all her fault that the women he loved died and for that he was going to take away her happiness he pulled the trigger but before it hit her, her oldest bother, John jumped in front and was shot in the head and blood was splattered all over her and then at that moment he dropped the gun and fell to his. Evergreen got up and walked over to the gun and without a second thought she picked it up and pointed it Straight at her fathers head and said "You may be the man that made me but after all the years of pain and just trying to keep myself alive I have had enough of this and I'm done " she pulled the trigger and dropped the gun and just walked out like nothing happened. She ran off and after about one month of that she stopped and turned herself in and was let go because the in the case it states that it was selfdefense against her father. She was send to her aunts down in Miami and moves up here after she enlisted. Which was about two months after her second oldest brother was shot and killed in action." I finished and the all looked shocked.
Bixslow POV
I don't know why but that shocked the hell out of me. I mean who can be come a mergers at the age is 15 I was playing football on JV at that age. "What girl is next?" Elfman asked "Lissana" I said in low voice. Ever since the day we meet them at that bar I felt a soft spot for her. "Well let's see she grow up as a good childhood but at around the age of eleven she became a little upset with the world because one: her mother left her and her oldest sister with their father and ran off with a man. Two: on a cold December night her father was driving home from a diner that had gone on. A big truck came right towards them and it caused the car to slid almond the road and roll down a hill. It came to a stop at the bottom face down. It was said that her father was kill at the scene and she was rushed to the hospital. She was taken in to surgery and the had to act fast to stop the bleeding that was going on in side her body. After hours of trying they finally got her stable enough and put her in ICU. Once she woke she asked for her father and was told he had died at the scene. She became so upset that she had turned her sadness into angry and soon after she had gone from the girl with the candy like smile to your worst nightmare. She wasn't the sweet girl that everyone know she shut everyone out after the loss of her father and only came out of her room to eat and go to school at school people made fun of her because she didn't have any parent the only family she had now was her sister who worked three jobs so she can pay the bills and keep food on the table. Five years later around the age of six-teen she started to give into the drug life and almost became addicted to them but she said that if it want for a man that came up to her and told her something that opened up her eyes she would still be the same girl that she was back in high school. She joined the armed forces. Later finding out that the parents she had come to love and lose were not her biological parents. She was adopted when she was 2 months old. The year after she turned 18 she found out that she had a sister and had been with each other for about a year already and they hadn't been apart ever since." Wow was I shocked. I don't know way but that was a surprise that some one can lose both parents. I know first hand what it's like to hit rock bottom because one day a man was walking down the street and I was sitting in the corner waiting for my bus to arrive. I was around four-teen years old and was smoking some pot and my yeas were blood red. He said to me as he squads to my size 'son I don't what to tell you what your doing is wrong and give you a speech that isn't going to help you so let me say this "the strong will stay standing, the week will fall" and he walked away leaving me to think about the way I have been living my life. I took it to heart and changed my life and now here I am in the Military with the best team anyone can ask for. " So any one else" Elfman asked


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