The truth behind the pain part 2

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Laxus POV

"So anyone else?" Elfman asked. "Mirjane" the word just came out of my mouth before i even know it did. "Now that one. lets see" he brought his hand up and cupped his chin. "She was a cheerful child up until the age of ten. You see her mother was beautiful women who married the Mafia king. Which is Mira's father. Anyway at the age of ten Mira was taken from her vacation island and put up as a slave for a big Mafia boss who did not know that her father was the "king" of the mafia. Mira was forced to do things no ten year old should go thought. One day about when she was eleven the boss came in for his regular appointment with her but that day something clicked in her. She had to think fast and soon she kicked him where the sun don't shin and ran across the room to her closet ant garbed the only think she had for self defense. it was a sharp like knife. When the boss ran in she launched at him and staabbed him. He feel to his knees. You must know that the number one rule of the Mafia is 'if one should kill the Boss he should become the boss'. That day when the bosses bodyguards came in they saw the dead body and looked at Mira. And upon her face was a smile that can make the most feared man in the world fall to his knees and beg for his life. Mira became the boss of the second most feared Mafia group at the age of eleven. Images this. You walk into a meeting were one of the most feared person in the world will be attending. You're waiting for him to walk in and when announced that he is here in walks a twelve year old little girl and sits in the big bosses chair and says 'Sit we have business to attend to.' Which makes everyone laugh because it's just a little girl. Mira felt disrespected, pulled out a gun and shot the man across the table and every one just drops to their seat in silence. 'May we begin now?' 'Yes miss' After that no one ever disrespected Mira."  Everyone was silent at his words. "Is that why they call her the she-devil?"  I asked under my breathe. "Yeah" Elfmen answered. "Cana" Bacchus said I a low voice.

Bacchus POV

"Well, Cana lets see. She well her mother died when she was about eight. She never meet her father but when her mother passed she went out looking for him. she searcher for miles looking for every man with the name Gildarts Clive." Everyone gasped "Wait her father is the famous Gildarts. The one that defeated an entire army by himself." " Yeah that's the one" "Anyway were was I. Oh yeah. She went out looking and after about A year she arrived here. She walked right up to his door and knocked. She waited until he opened the door. When he saw her he said 'Sorry kid I don't want any girl scout cookies' and shut the door in the face. She knocked again and he swung the door open 'What do you want kid?' he question 'Are you Gildarts Clive?' 'Who's asking?'  'My name is Cana Alberona. My mother is Cornelia and you are my father.' 'Sorry kid I don't know who that is so-'  'You  do know because she is the only women that you ever married.' 'Hey kid go back to your mom and tell her to find the really father to her child alright.' Gildarts went to close the door when he hear two words 'She's dead' he froze. With that Cana ran off his door steps and lived in the streets up to the day she was caught stealing and taken in. She was later adopted by a women that had two children already. The three were inseparable. Later on in life she went back and confronted her father. He  asked her for forgiveness in which she said 'How can I forgive a man who called my mother a whore' 'Please is been killing me for years I looked everywere for you but I couldn't find you' 'Maybe because I lived day to day on the streets alone with hardly any food. But don't worry I was adopted by a family that loves me and I have two brothers that would risk their lifes for me. Its funny how person that is not blood related can care and love me better then my own father.' 'PLEASE Cana I'm sorry please.' Gildarts was on his knees begging his daughter for forgiveness but all she did was stand up and walked to the door and opened it but before she walked out she said 'Don't think I don't know how well you treated those other kids, you know. But I will say this we may see eachother some day but as of right now I hope you live with the guilt of abandoning your own flesh and blood.' with that she walked out of his life for good and hasn't seen him since." Elfman finished.  WOW is all I had to say . "Any one else" He asked


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