The Painful Reminders

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Levy's POV {Time skip....... two-half years}

Its been two an half years since we were sent over here. What we had to finish in three years we completed in two year. "Now can we get the one who has lead us through this hard training in the last two years Sargent McGarden" I heard my name and was brought back to reality. I made my way up to the front of the troops. "We are here to day because of the hard work you all put in together as a group. I am very proud to say that you completed three years of training in a little bit over two years. I and proud to have be chosen to lead you in the past two years. May you all get home safe. May God be with you Thank You" I said and walked off. The girls walked up to me "Levy nice speech" Lucy said to me "Thanks I put it together we I got up there." I said. As I was talk to girls a private came up to us "Mama there is a phone call for you" He said "Alright thank you" I walked over the phone "McGarden speaking" I said. "Get your ass on a plane and get home now" "What we have another-" I was cut off "I need you now" he said "There are no planes till tomorrow" I said "There should be one arriving in about min or two . Get on and get home." he said "but-." I was cut off. He hang up on me. "Alright then." I said under my breath. I called up my team. I let them know that would be leaving in about ten mins. We packed our things and headed to the plane. "Fuck another 13 hours" We all said together. We got on the plane and sat down. As I was looking in my military bag I saw a book. 'Haven't seen this in a while.' I thought myself  as I pulled the book out. A peace of paper fell out. I went to pick it up and what I saw made my heart stop. It was a picture of me, Rouge and our diseased son. I felt tear roll down my cheek. I whipped it away and shoved the picture back in my bag. I took a deep breath put my headphones on and I closed my eyes while listen to Wake me up when September ends by Green Day.

Lucy's POV

'what the hell. Going home. Is this a joke. What is this there to call home. To me home was taken from me when both my husband and child, in the same year were taken from me' I thought as I sat there looking at a picture that was returned to me the day I went to pick sting up in the fucken box. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I just let it roll down my face. That pain hurt me more then five bullet wounds. Ever since that day I have never felt pain its like body went numb. I let one more tear out and put my earphones on. I played Dreaming of you by Selena

Erza's POV

'What the fuck is the point of going home there is nothing there for us' I thought while sitting in the plane and looking at the last picture that me and Simon took together. The last time I saw him alive, last time I felt his touch and the last time I was hugged by him. He was and still is the one that holds my heart today. I put on my headphones and played I miss you by DJ Sancho .

Juvia's POV

'After Lyon's death I haven't been the same. Not one bit. I wish he was still here to hold me at night. The pain I felt that day is was nothing new. I have lost and gained people but none loved me like he did. No one excepted me the way he did. from the bad to the good. If it wasn't for him I would still be living in my old life.' I thought to myself as I was holding a locket that was given t me by him on our fifth anniversary. In it was a picture of us together on our second date. I feel sad and I want to cry but I cant. I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep. I put my headphones on. I closed my eyes and feel into a deep slumber.

Mirajane's POV 

'I cant wait to go home. NOT, I hate it there all I think about is Jet and how he was take from me. I could of married him when he got back everything was set I just need him to come home but the day before he would get sent back to me he was killed in action. I got him back but not the way I wanted him. I got him back in a wooden box. I have always remembered what he told me on the phone that night. "I love you. I cant wait to get home and get married and start a family of our own". But no matter how much I wanted that I could never have it. I never heard his voice after that I Never felt his touch, Never heard his heart beat, and most of all I felt alone like no one was there even though I had my sister that was going through the same thing as me.' I looked at the picture of the day he asked me to marry him. The biggest smile on his face, he couldn't believe it himself. I said YES and kissed him. I closed my eyes not wanting the tears to fall out. I put my headphones on and played Heart will go on by Celine Dion.

Lisanna's POV

'Why is it that when I hear the word home I think of death. And when I think of death I think I Droy and how he came home in a box. I think why is it that he was gone of all people it had to be him to leave this world but I know he left doing what he loved to do. The day  before he left this world he told me that he loved me and when he got home he had something to ask me. After the death of my parents he was the one that light my way, the one that took me out of hiding in the darkies deeps part of my own mind. He was my Hero.' I thought as I sat there looking at the ceiling. I wiped away a tear that rolled down my face. I closed my eyes and I went into the dark.

Cana's POV

'When my mother remarried a man with two boys I felt like I will be left out of thinks. but like away I was wrong. Jet, Droy and me were like mac and cheese it just wasn't right with out one another. We stuck together like glue. When I was inform that they had enlisting in the Army I was heart broken what was I going to do while they were gone. I waited for them after what seemed like forever I got a call from them together we talked for a will and as they said goodbye they say "You will always be our little sister and we love you. see you in two days." I went to the airport two days after but not to huge and welcome they home. No to receive two wooden boxes.' I thought about the day I found out they had died. Ever since that day there has always been a bottle in one hand and a picture in the other. I will never forget or forgive Gajeel Redfox. I put my headphones on and played Hurt by Christina Aguilera.

Evergreen's POV

'Bisca I wish we were still kids and playing with dolls. I miss you. You were the only one who was there when I needed you there. when you first told me that you enlisted I was scared but not scared for you. no scared for me that I would end you alone. I was right you didn't come back. You broke your promise that you had made to me the day you left.


I was standing there and waited for my turn to say good bye to Bisca "EVER come here" I heard Bisca say. I walked up to her and gave he a huge "Look I know you I'm positive that you will be fine till I come home and when I do we will go out and have fun just the two of us." she said with a smile on her face "OK" I said "I will be waiting" "Great see you soon" I watched her get on the plane. I walked alone side of Al. I can't wait to see her again.


I will never forget you.' I thought about Bisca as I looked at the last letter I got from her saying she was coming home. But she spoke to soon she died two days after. She came home but not alive. I put on my earphones and closed my eyes. I fell into a deep sleep.

Nobody's POV

Levy Lucy Erza Juvia Mirajane Lisanna Cana and Evergreen just sat there waiting for the long ride to be over.

[HI guys I am so sorry I took for ever to updated. Here is the new chapter I hope you like it.


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