Their Assignment

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Gajeel's POV
Ring Ring Ring I heard my phone ringing and I got up and answered it "Hello" I said. "Gajeel RedFox report to my office with your team at 0400 understand" "alr-" I was cut off when he hanged up the phone. I called up the rest of the team "Dude when you getting here." "Never. Hey I need you guys to get back to the base we need to report to gramps office at 0400 tomorrow" "wow alright man see you" I hanged up the phone. I set the alarm to 0300 and placed it on the bed side table. 'time for bed' I thought  I closed my eyes and after a few minuets I feel into a deep sleep.

[Start of the Dream]
I walked into a dark room. As I walked in I saw a little girl sitting in the middle of the room with a white light shinning down on her. She was curled up in a ball rocking from side to side. "This is your fault . Why didn't you stop them from doing this to me. I thought you said 'you can trust me I'm a friend.' I guess it was wrong of me to put my trust in you. This happened because of you." Everything in the room started to spine and it changed into different room where the light came in from a  little window from the right side of the room. I saw the same girl but a little older. she was laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. I ran to her. I kneeled down next to her. I healed  her in my are "This all your fault" She repeated over and over again"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I said to her
[End Of The Dream]

I woke with a freight. Sweat running down my face, my chest turned I felt sick Then I remembered the dream I had. That girl, I know. I still cant believe I found her and she is also broken. I just laid there staring at the ceiling thinking about 'what she could have been but now she has no chance to the future she could have had. The scars that she has have not yet healed. She uses this as an excuse to act the way she does. She may not be able to recover at this point. She looks like a lost cause.' I closed my eyes and all I saw her beautiful brown chocolate eyes, those eyes I came to know very well because I, Gajeel Redfox i'm the only one that knows of  her dark past.
[Time Skip morning 4 AM]
I got up and ready to meet my team. I worked on the house of the building I could hear Natsu screaming at Gray "fucking idiot" Natsu yelled "Who you calling an idiot flame brain" Grey yelled back "stripper, flam breath its to early I the morning to be fighting like this" I said "Yeah" Jallal Said "Let's go guys before we are late." Laxus said to us. We all said "Let's go." We headed to masters office which is on the other side of the base. As I walked I once again started thinking about the dream I had this past night. 'I guess it's happening again.' I said to myself in my head "what's happening again, Gajeel"Jallal asked "Nothing man " I said to him. We walked up to Makarov office. I knocked on the door. "Come in." We walked in. "Sir" We saluted him. "Soldier" he said "I have called you all here for an assignment. I need-" he was cut off by Natsu "Alright a mission I can't wait" He had his famous grime running across his face. "I don't believe I said a mission. Did I." Makarov said "Then what is our assignment." Laxus  asked "Our assignment is to-" He didn't get to finish his statement before the phone rang "Yes Mavis" He said while sitting in his seat swinging his feet back and fourth. Yes he is that small and this man in front of me is one of the 10 Saints. "Oh yes pass her thought please" He said as he held a finger out as in saying *wait a minute*. As he was getting pass to the person on hold. He removed the phone from his ear and put it on speaker. "MaGarden speaking." Her voice sounds so soft but rough to ones ears. To me it sounded sexy as f*- wait what did I really just think that. "We still have another half a year-" "I need you now." Makarov said cutting her off. "There are no planes till tomorrow Sir." She said "I had sent one over a few hours ago it should be there any minute now. Get on and come home now." He said to her "But-" she didn't get to finish because he hung up the phone "Ok so back to you guys. You are to pick the girls up tomorrow at 10:00 hours at the airport understood" "Hell no we are not going to care for them WE ARE NOT BABYSITTERS." I yelled at him "Come on Gramps" Laxus said to him. He slammed his hand on the table "You Will follow the orders I give you understood. Remember RedFox, I have the power to put this whole team in clean up duty." He yelled at us. We all just stayed quiet not wanting to see him angry again. This man standing in front of us can take down a whole base by himself. "You are dismissedm." "Sir" We saluted him and Walked out one after the other. "What the fuck. why us" Gray yelled while hitting the wall with his fist. "I know right. It's all about those bitches." Bixslow said. "Look we are just going to have to deal with it ok." Jallal said. We all stayed quiet for a while till Bacchus said "I don't know about you guys but why does team one hate life so much." "Well you can't blame them ther childhood wasn't the best-" He didn't finish he just put his hand over his mouth. "Wait you know the reason why they are like this. Why Elfman, why are they like this?" Laxus asked. Elfman didn't answer. "Answer the fucken question. NOW" Natsu yelled at him. "Yes I know but I cant say anything" he said "What do you mean by you can't say anything. Why not?" Gray asked "Because I just can't okay." He replied. Bixslow walked up to him and pined him again wall "You better talk before I start kicking your ass man." "No I can't-" he was cut off. Why not Elfman." "Because if I do Levy will kill me without hesitation I don't want th-" he was cut off when Natsu walked up to him and punched him in the face. "Fucking speak now." He said. "Okay just swear to me you won't tell another soul." We all nodded.

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