Chapter 4

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*Flashback contd.*

The cool, sweet breeze hit my face, refreshing my body and mind as I stood there admiring the nature and it's magic.
The musical chirping of the birds and a warm, hazy sunshine washing away all the tiredness from the journey.

" It's so calming." Prachi commented gaining my attention. I nodded and smiled.

We stood there for a while enjoying until two arms entrapped us.
"Yayy!! We're here!" Isha almost shouted cheerfully. Me and Prachi looked at each other with a done face.
"So, where are we going first?? I can't wait." Isha asked excitedly.
"Let's first reach the accomodation and freshen up." Prachi said, breaking the hug.
"Yep. And don't forget we have a seminar to attend first before we go on exploring." I reminded.
"Yeah, I know. I am just super excited so I couldn't help asking." Isha said with a pout and I nodded.

"Let's go guys!! We're leaving for the accomodation. Make sure you got all of your belongings with you." Professor shouted leading the way while we followed.

Soon we reached the place we were accomodated at for the next 2-3 days that we're here.
There were nice tiny, cozy rooms that all the students had to share among 4 people. Professors were accomodated not too far.
We took a bath, got ready putting on warmer clothes as it was cold early in the morning here. Next we were provided a little orientation and instructions were given out to us. Next we all had our Brea and left for the place our seminar was to be held.

"Let's go for a coffee." I suggested after we were done with the seminar and were allowed to go out.
"Yeah. I need that so bad." Isha groaned, tired after the 3 hour long seminar.

We made our way to a cafe where everyone else from our batch were heading to.

"Let's go explore the River first!" Isha put in, sipping at her cup of coffee.
"We can go river rafting while it's still warm and then let's go sightseeing. Later we can have a walk at the river side in the evening. It would be colder then." She chirped.
"You okay with that na?" Prachi asked when she noticed as I remained silent.
"You can go on with your activities and have fun, I'll just watch you from the side." I replied.

"Come on babe!! It's just rafting. You'll be safe. I already didn't suggest swimming or alike activities cuz I know you can't swim. Join us. It will be fun." Isha said.

Yes, I don't know how to swim. So, I suggested sitting aside earlier. But I gave in as I also wanted to enjoy my time during the college trip.
We smiled looking at Isha as she jumped excitedly like a kid.

"Let's go!!" Isha shouted excitedly as we began rafting.
Besides us, a couple sat in the raft and a guide at the back. The couple was more nervous than me so the guide suggested they sat at the back near him instead.
The currents were a bit wilder today than the usual, that's what the guide told us as we began rafting.

Soon our raft caught up the speed and the raft moved swiftly through the current. It was as if we were flying. I was overwhelmed with the rush of Adrenaline in my blood. It was a new and exciting experience for me.
We were enjoying moving up and down with the raft as we moved ahead.
But soon in the midst, due to the wild currents and the high speed, our raft jolted harshly. It got disbalanced and overturned. I fell in the river along with the others. As the guide was trying to get us near and up the raft, I was too bewildered to notice that I was washed a bit away due to the current. And in an attempt to save myself I hit my left elbow on a nearby rock sending a numbing sensation throughout my arm thus hampering my movements.

Despite the life jacket on, I started to struggle remaining afloat and gasped hard for air. Filled with horror and being tired I couldn't keep up.
My chest started burning as I aspired more water but soon it soothed down. I could feel my body getting lighter before loosing my senses.

I heard a few shouts before the black surrounded my vision.


I could hear my name being called out several times.
I could sense movements around me. I felt the warmth of the sun on my body.

My chest hurt and I felt drowsy.
I opened my eyes to see HIM as he came very close to my face. "What is he doing?" I questioned in my mind, being confused. I wide opened my eyes when I felt our lips touching and he held my face with one hand. I was too shocked. Then he pinched my nose with the other hand and I couldn't breathe.
Unable to process what's going on, I reflexively pushed him away and slapped him in the face.
I could clearly see the shock on his face.
"What were you doing?" I asked breathlessly, now alerted but still feeling weak.
"I..." He started but stopped when I started coughing.
He extended his hand towards me.
"Stop! You better not touch me!" I glared at him and he backed off.
"Why am I alone with you? And where are the others?" I asked doubtedly.
He sighed. The expressions on his face changed. From being gentle earlier to clearly annoyed now.

"Sai!!" Someone called out.
We turned our head and saw Prachi running towards us.
" Are you alright? Do you feel sick? Does it hurt anywhere?"She asked concerned.
"I'm okay and I don't feel sick." I replied. "But..." I continued but got cutoff as she extended a water bottle towards me. "Here. Drink this." She told and I took it. "Thankyou." Prachi mumbled to HIM as I took a sip of water and he nodded. Then I saw him leaving from the corner of me eye.
"Slowly get up and tell me if it hurts somewhere." Prachi instructed wrapping a towel around me and helped me stand on my feet.
"I'm fine. But where were you? Why was he besides me when I got up? And did you thank him just now?" I asked still confused.
"I had gone to grab water and towel for you and Isha has gone along with the guide to inform the Prof. about you. And I thanked him because he saved you." She answered patiently.

"We were so scared when you fell in the river. The guide couldn't get a hold of you as you were washed away a bit far . If not for HIM we could have lost you. You had already fainted by the time HE got you." She continued on the verge of tearing up.
I remembered the events earlier. Things made sense now.

"HE saved me...?" I mumbled.
"Yes. He was around when you drowned and he jumped just in time to save you. He took you ashore first while we followed. He even performed resuscitation (CPR) to save you while the life guard hadn't arrived. I'm glad he was there." She told me and hugged me tightly. I gulped.

I stood there blankly. Thinking about it.
"Hey!! You okay?!" Prachi brought me out of my thoughts.
"No. I'm not. I messed up." I replied looking her in the eyes horrified.
"What happened?" She asked concerned.
"I slapped him." I mumbled.
"What did you say?" she asked confused.
"I said I slapped him." I said louder. She gasped in shock. "Not just that, I accused him and yelled at him without knowing anything too." I told her as I looked down feeling guilty.
"You what?!!" She shouted.

"Prachi! Sai!!" We heard and we turned our heads to see Isha running towards us.
"Are you okay babe? Do you feel alright? Do you need something?" She asked worriedly seeing me but stopped seeing our expressions.
I nodded in response. She looked at us questioningly.

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