Chapter 8

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"Thankyou." I mumbled out.
"It's fine. It wasn't a big deal." Arjun replied to me casually.

"But they were drunk. It could have been dangerous." I said as we were going back to our seats after a while.
"Then, I'm glad I came." He said with a smile. I just blinked while looking at him.

"What took you so long?? We were about to come find you if you hadn't returned now." Isha said.
"Just had a little encounter with dumbheads. But it's fine now. I reached on time." Arjun replied making all of them confused.

"What are you talking about? Tell us clearly." Prachi said as she looked at me for answers.
I told them what just happened.
"Really?! Those pigs!! I want to slap them across the face. Why didn't you slap that Nish?!" Isha said angrily.

"Calm down. It wasn't that big a deal. And Arjun came there. So it's ok. Anyways they won't have dared to do anything. And if it came to that I would have slapped him. You know me, don't you?!" I try to calm her down.

"Blo*dy Assh**es!! A few slaps wouldn't do for them. They deserve a nice beating." Ajay let out his anger.
"Yeah, it's good then, that Arjun was the one who came to you. They won't have the guts to do anything with him being there." Nikhil said, a bit relieved but made us girls confused.
"What do you mean, he was the one and that they won't dare in front of Arjun?" Prachi asked letting her curiosity out.

"Oh, you don't know?! It's ok. I'll tell you an interesting thing then." Nikhil replied rubbing his palms together in excitement as we looked at him eagerly.
"Actually during our first and most of second year, That Nitch and his pups had a great hype.
Just because he was good at boxing and had a few regional level prizes, as he himself declared. And after winning a few competitions during those times, they were quite overconfident that he was a great boxer and all.
But that lasted only till my bro here got triggered one day and beat that guy into a pulp in boxing." Nikhil continued. His hands placed on Arjun's shoulder.

"Woah!! Did you really beat him?" Isha asked in awe and Nikhil continued.
"You see our bro had been a champion at boxing too. That too much much greater that brat. But as my bro wasn't so eager nor interested to tell this, he stayed quite. And no one actually knew.
But one very unlucky day for that ass*ole. He had a rift with our bro. Bro, who was already very pissed off due to that unnecessary hype, then decided to let the cat out of the bag. He ended up beating that assh*le and his kiddos into pulp. Thus taking them all down their high horses. And after that they won't ever say anything about boxing and till date haven't messed with bro." Nikhil finished with a victorious smirk.

"Wowww!!! But why didn't we know of all this happening? Girls in our hostel still think of Nish as the best boxer. His girlfriend's always go around bragging about that." I said confused as to why this huge of a matter is still not known by many.
"Oh, about that... Though Arjun did beat them up and all. And almost all of the college witnessed it. But you see, Arjun never participated in any competitions. So, officially he hasn't won against him. Maybe that's why many don't know about this." Ajay answered us clearing our doubts.
"Why don't you participate in the competition this year?! You can still win. I didn't get to see that exciting event then. But I'd definitely like to watch it replay. I'd even cheer for you!!" Isha said all excited.
Nikhil sighed dramatically as he said," There's no use telling him to participate. We and many more people have tried convincing him many times already. But he won't listen. Due to some personal reasons he has stopped boxing. And says he won't continue again no matter what."
We looked at Arjun questioningly.
He just turned his head away and shooed the topic away saying,
"It's quite late now. Are you all still gonna play or should we head back to bed?"
"But..." Isha tried to say but couldn't finish as Arjun got up from his seat ready to go.
"If there is nothing then, I'll go and sleep. I'm already tired." He said but stopped as I said,"Wait wait. It's fine, no one will ask you any further. You can stay back."
Isha was about to open her mouth again but I stopped her gesturing to not say further and drop the topic. And she listened. Arjun too sat down back on his seat.

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