Chapter 7

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**Shoutout to silentgirl1307 & disha7722 for the votes in the previous chapters. Thankyou 💜.**

We were playing Dumb charades and apparently a few others from our batch joined us too. We tried to keep our voices as low as possible so as to not disturb the other passengers.

"It's your turn now Baby Bear." Arjun told.
"Sounds fun. What is it about this Baby Bear thing?" A guy who had joined us asked confused.
"Ohh, Isha is the most hyperexcited, mischievous and cranky among us. A baby who always craves attention and anything can happen if you don't pay attention. So yeah, the Baby Bear of our group." I explained.
Isha nodded assertively with a cute pout.
"Awww! Papa bear just complimented the Baby Bear." Nikhil started.
"Yes, the pleasure is all mine." Isha replied satisfied.

"So now back to the game." Isha said standing up as she cleared her throat.

We continued the game for a while until the others left one by one and went to sleep. Now the 6 of us were left again. So, we decided to play another game due to lack of participants.
"Okay... I know Truth or Dare but what's with this new thing situation?" Prachi asked when Nikhil suggested a game.
"Let me explain. Similar to the classic game you mentioned but here we have an additional option called Situation. In this option you will be given a situation and given 2 options to select from. You can give it a try. It's fun." Nikhil explained. We all agreed to play.

After a dance by Nikhil and a song sung by Prachi, it was my turn to choose. I chose Truth.
"So Miss Sai, now is our turn to find out more about you." Nikhil said with a grin.
"We haven't seen you involve much with people. So, what do you usually do when you're not around your friends and on your own. Of course other than studying." He asked.

"There are a lot of things I do. I read a novel or a Manga, listen to music, or watch anime or dramas." I answered.
"Oh well, I also like to sketch once in a while." I completed.

"Wait, What?!! You read manga and also watch anime?!! Is that really you Sai, the studious and sincere student." Nikhil said out loud in shock.
I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "Well, I'm not as studious as people make me out to be. I'm a human too. Besides I spend much more time on my novel/manga than on my studies. Ask Prachi, she's my roommate." I pointed towards Prachi. The guys turned towards Prachi.
She nodded as she said,"Yes, she's an Otaku undoubtedly."
"Woah!! Unbelievable but interesting. I like Mangas too. Probably someday we'll share our Manga lists." Nikhil said winking. I nodded assertively.

"Let's move on with the game now." Isha said. And we continued the game, with mostly everyone choosing truth until it was Arjun's turn again and he was forced to choose dare.
"So, how about you show some dance moves with expressions while sitting on your seat. You're not allowed to get up." Prachi told to which he agreed.
She had a very mischievous smile on her face which no one had noticed but me. I knew something funny was on its way.
Soon Prachi turned on a song for Arjun to dance, shocking everyone for the choice of song. She played 'Chadhti Jawaani' and everyone let out a laugh except Arjun who was still in shock.
We cheered for Arjun , looking forward to his performance.
Imagine a dashing, young guy with a muscular body performing on this song with the expressions while being seated.
Howeveer he managed to dance on the song without embarassing himself much.

Everyone clapped in awe at his performance.
"As expected from the best dancer of our batch. You managed to finish the task perfectly. I'm so proud of you boy." Ajay praised while patting Arjun on the back.
Soon it was my turn again and I chose truth again.
"Hmm... let's think for a while. What interesting question can we ask?" Arjun said while making 'the thinking' pose.
Isha whispered something into his ears. Arjun nodded his head in agreement and Isha let out a giggle. I raised my eyebrow at her in question to which she just shrugged her shoulders. I knew this girl was definitely upto something devilish.
Arjun smirked and asked, "As we haven't seen you much with guys and you yourself told me why. We're just curious to know that what kind of a guy would you like to date in the future?"
I turned my head to glare at Isha. She just turned her head to look elsewhere. "It's you right. You gave him this idea." I said.
"Well, now that the question is here, we need the truth. And yeah you can't ask to change the question." She smirked. I let out a sigh. I knew she won't let me go. So, giving up, I started thinking.
"Well, I haven't given much thought to it. But a guy who is loyal, kind, understanding and most importantly respectful towards me and others. That's the kind of a guy I'd love to fall in love with." I answered.
"Fall in love, huh?" Arjun said with a smirk and I gave him a shy smile as I nodded.

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