Chapter 23

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"Yah, okay. I'll get it on my way back. Umm... maybe about an hour. Don't worry I'll be back before dinner timing. Alright, bye."
I sighed after I disconnected the call from my roommate.
I smiled at her nagging as I put my phone aside to continue the novel I've been reading.

It was a very cozy atmosphere inside the cafe. Sweet, delicious aroma of coffee and spices in the air with a slow soft music playing in the background and just the perfect temperature.

Ahhh!! A perfect cup of coffee with a nice book. That's what I call heaven.

After reading for another hour, it was time to go. So, I packed up my things. As I was going towards the cashier's desk I found a familiar figure sitting in a corner seat, not far from where I've been sitting for the last 2 hours. I walked towards the person. As I stood in front of the person, he lifted his head to look at me. Confusion written on his face which was soon replaced by a smile.

"Hii! You here? Have you just come? Why don't you join me?" He said.

I responded with a smile.
"Hii! No, actually I was here since the last 2 hours. And I was just leaving when I saw you. So, I came to say hello."

"Oh really? I have been here for 2 hours as well. I guess we didn't see each other." He said.

"Ohh. Maybe we were too drowned in the books." I said noticing a book in his hands.

We chuckled.

"Maybe. Today it's too comfortable here." He said and I agreed.

"Alright then, I'll get going before Prachi calls me again and nags at me." I said moving away.

"Wait!! I'll come too." He said and I stopped.

"Aren't you going to read? You can just continue. I'll go. Or did I just disturb you. I'm really sorry." I said feeling bad for interfering.

But he laughed and said, "Oh no, you didn't disturb me. Actually I was planning to leave soon anyway. It's almost the dinner time. You just reminded me of that."
I nodded my head.

"Give me two minutes, I'll just pack-up." He said and I waited.

Once he was done we both moved towards the cashier's desk and paid for our beverages.

Then we started walking towards the hostel.
"So, how are your injuries now? And how about Nikhil?" I asked him.

"We are fine. Those were just scratches." He replied.

"What do you do in your rooms the whole day now that you are not attending the college?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.
"Nothing really. We just get up, eat, and then, sleep again. Sometimes we go out to have food or go for a walk. That's it."

"Oh and sometimes I come here, at the cafe to read when I get too bored staying in the room. It's only been 3 days and I'm already fed up." He continued.

I nodded.

Soon I stopped in front of a stationary.

"Do you mind waiting for 2 mins. I have to buy something for Prachi. She especially asked me to get it." I asked. He nodded.

I quickly walked to he stationary, purchased the stationary supplies that Prachi wanted me to get for her. And then walked back to Arjun. And we continued walking.

"How about studies though?" I asked him.

"Oh, Ajay has been taking down notes for us and sometimes he helps us with the studies. It's good that at least one of us can attend the college. We won't miss out on too much." He said.

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