Chapter 9

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As we were dead-worried about our friends, we witnessed some of our batchmates scurrying to their seats.
Not willing to get in trouble ourselves, I and Arjun stayed still . I could imagine our Professor's pissed off expressions on her face.

After a few minutes long scolding, we couldn't hear anything. We concluded that the professor has left.

"That must have been pretty bad." I commented.
"Yeah. Not only did they get lectured, but based on what we heard, they will be punished once we get back too. I just hope the Professors will not be too harsh.' Arjun said. I agreed too.

Dr. Jagtap, one of the Professors accompanying us and also the one from just now, is known for her strictness. She could be horrible when it came to punishments.

Just as we sat there silently worrying, Nikhil, Prachi and Isha sneaked to us. We were relieved when we saw them.

"That was pretty bad wasn't it? I guess they are in for some crazy trouble now." Nikhil said making me and Arjun look at each other confused.

"Yeah. Moreover it was Professor Jagtap out of all who caught them. Thank God we weren't caught." Prachi said releasing a sigh.

"What are you guys saying? Wasn't that you three who got caught?" Finally I voiced out my confusion.
All of a sudden they started giggling. Confusing me further.

"No. It wasn't us. We managed to hide in one of the empty compartments." Nikhil answered.

It was such a relief to hear that.

"Though we could be the ones caught if not for Nikhil successfully distracting Professor while we escaped in front of the toilet." Isha said.
"You know we were just coming back when we saw her coming.We literally froze on the spot. But then Nikhil came up with the idea. He decided to confront the Professor and earned us the opportunity to escape." She explained further.

I looked at him shocked.
"You confronted her?!! Yet you say you weren't caught! How?!" I asked him.

He just coolly replied, "Nothing much I just ruffled my hairs slightly and went in front of her. And you know how talented I am at acting. I pretended to be sleep walking."
"She asked me many questions but I acted sleepy. When she realised that it won't work, she tried to wake me up and I... woke up!
She really thought I was sleep walking so she let me go. And while I was making use of my talent, both the girls escaped from there and hid in one of the compartment where I joined them later." Nikhil finished making me awestruck.

"Wow!! That's... I don't know what to say. But I'm glad you are safe." I said.
"Yeah, and it was so thrilling and fun. All thanks to Nikhil we didn't get caught." Isha said.

"So, now that you're back and safe, let's get back to our seats and sleep. We don't want any more confrontations and thrill for tonight." Arjun said holding Nikhil by shoulders.

We all agreed and went back to our seats and slept finally.

Next morning we reached our destination. Once we reached our university campus, we had to part ways with the boys.

"It was fun with you girls. We enjoyed a lot." Nikhil said.
"We had a lot of fun too. It was really something new for us. Thanks for the company." Prachi said. We smiled at each other.

"And... thanks for saving me too. I guess the trip won't have been this joyful for us otherwise." I added turning towards Arjun slightly embarassed.

"It's ok. You don't have to thank me for it. We are future doctors, we save lives." He replied.
I smiled in return.

After bidding goodbye, we headed towards our hostels.

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