The Riverside's Turnpike

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Continuing where we left off, on the previous chapter. Francis complaining on their current plan: Walking to their destination.

Bill:"Come on Francis keep up!"

We see our five survivors in the middle of highway in unknown parts of the city. The said highway are full of wreck cars, trucks and vans. Proof that maybe, there's still somewhat a sign of another life on this seemingly full of the undead woods?

Louis:"Let's check this cars for supplies"

He said as he begin his search the inside of the car he spot-


Well without breaking the window first with his axe. (Check No Mercy Campaign for the weapon)

Zoey:"Well... I'll take the white one." She said as she walks to the white car, far to her left.

She then went to grab the car's door handle to check if it's lock. To her surprise...


That is obvious one, considering that the car is left on the busy highway with the rest of the said wrecked cars. There is literally no chance that none of them are still locked. She then checks the inside to look for some supplies.

Bill:"If you guys find anything useful, just put it in the bag!" He shouted as Y/n take a notice of this he shouted back wit-

Y/N:"Useful! I'm to lazy to walk with heavy shit on my back!" He shouted as he goes to his own found wrecked vehicle, this one is a van.

He then tries to use his crowbar to break the car's window, but to his surprise the back car's door suddenly open followed by rustling sounds inside; when he the crowbar touches the glass window.

Y/n:"...." He then tighten his grip on the crowbar readying himself to what's about to happen...

As he slowly open the door wide enough for his size to enter. He then try to take a peek inside to see what's behind that noise, to his surprise again. He saw in the middle of the floor's van is a...


The same rat took a notice of Y/n presence, the rat went to look at him somewhat in the eyes as Y/n did the same. No one dare to move for like a seconds as they keep staring at each other. I forgot to mention the rat that Y/n notice has somewhat food on his hands as the same rat slowly bring it up to his mouth and take a bite out of it before releasing a small-


A sigh of relief escape from Y/n mouth, as he lessen the grip on his crowbar. He then look again to the rat.

Y/n:"You little shit got me on the edge!" He whisper shouted to the rat. To which the rat reply


Y/n then goes inside of the back of the van to search for supplies. While the rat just sat there in the middle, eating in peace.

Back with the other survivors, Louis comes back with a water bottle in hand. The same design of the water bottle back in the Fairfield City, but this time with a different color and more scratches.

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