Riverside Infamous Drain System

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Louis: "This must be overflow pipes for Riverside."

Y/n and Francis look at Louis with hint of interest... well mostly Y/n is interested.

Francis: "How the hell do you know that?"

Louis was about to tell it's story on why this became popular for him to knows and Y/n in the sidelines, can't wait to hear it as he lean a little closer.

Louis: "Interesting true story: In 1975, the local township d-"

Francis: "You know what? I just realized I don't care. Lead on."


Was the only thing Y/n had his mind, when Francis did that. Francis was not, as he realized what he just said.

Francis: "Waitasecond, Lead on? HERE?!"

He point, outside of the saferoom exit steel door, where we can see some of the small pipes are going in one direction, mostly likely connected to the town. Oh and a big hole leading to who knows where, with reasonable amount of zombies crowding the area.

Bill: "Yes Francis, We're going through that horseshit"

Francis: "I hate drains!"

Zoey: "I'm agreeing here with Francis, I hate this place!"

Louis and the other three are standing face of the map. It seems other survivors place it here to help navigate through this place to another safehouse, lucky based on the map they're looking at right now. It won't be a long journey... hopefully

Louis: "Bill's right, beside this pipes will technically lead on us to town because this things are-"

Francis:"- Connected. I know that, everybody's know that"

Y/n just down from the table he was sitting the whole time.

Y/n: "Francis knows something? Is it end of the world?!"


Y/n: "Sorry"

Y/n then removes the steel bar that locking the saferoom door.

Louis: "Right, We just walk through and follow these pipes"

Bill: "Louis, son lead us on. Since you know this... place more than us"

Louis nodded to it as Bill throw the butt of cigarette on the floor.

Francis: "I hate this plan already"

Zoey, Bill, Francis and Louis prepare themselves as Y/n then opened the door alerting the nearby zombie, running at them.


Zoey was quick to decapitate the said zombie as it's head went to the other zombie, knocking it out of balance before


Swinging it again, to the other one to it's chest. Resulting to the machete getting stuck in there.


Francis used the end of the auto shotgun to push off that zombie away from Zoey.


Then blowing up it's head, cocking the empty shell's out.

Zoey: "Thanks"

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