The Church Guy

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The sound of leaves make, when the wind passed by the leaves strong enough to make a sound. That was it did, when the very same hunter earlier landed on the tree. Watching someone going to the very thing the hunter was heading... The Church. The hunter just dangle there from the tree, watching them fight through the horde of zombies.

??: "Almost there... ARGH!"

They said to themselves avoiding or killing every zombie they get in there way. We get a closer look to the individual. He's a male with a height similar to one of our survivors named Louis. Wearing blue flannel with white stripes design, underneath it's a white shirt. For the pants, he's wearing a jeans with black shoes. Supporting a black hair and his body is average enough to endure all of his wounds he has. But without his body adrenaline, he'll be dead now.

???:Who's there?

Our guy is now infront of the saferoom door in the church. The questioning voice inside of the saferoom gets his attention. Grunting in pain he ask the other one inside of the safehouse.

???:"Hey man... ERGH... I'm immune, it just... EARGH. I've been hit and I really need some help.

Once he finished, he waits for the door to open. He didn't have that long as the door open slowly and the man inside let him in quickly. He was then sat in the chair by the man inside the church. The guy who let him in, get up the ladder.

???: "I'm just greatful that there's still life out there."

He said as he goes down the ladder with a medkit on his hand. He can now see the man who let him in. He's wearing a faded blue hooded sweatshirt with a dark brown sweatpants and a black running shoes. The limbs of his outfit are battened down with duct tape.

??: "Why? ERGH... is the town?..Argh... Okay?"

He ask the guy who let him in. Since he doesn't know his name. He mental note that his name for now is.. Church Guy.

Church Guy: "It's gone... The town it's gone."

The Church Guy said as he setting down the medkit contents on the floor near the gun that the Church Guy has. The Church Guy doesn't know the guys he's helping with. So he name him on his head Flannel Guy.

Flannel Guy: "How?... Irgh.. What happened?"

Flannel Guy asked as he remove his jacket for the Church Guy help him to at least stop the bleeding on his wounds. The Flannel Guy however was shivering? when he remove his jacket.

Church Guy: "It happened so fast, I- We didn't even see how it happened. We were just barricading the town for our safety. Then there's one got bitten, then another, and another. It happened so fast, that the whole town was in chaos. I just ran here in and barricade my self in and wait for the rescue to come and help."

The Church Guy explain as he stitches the Flannel Guy's wounds. Grunting everytime his wounds was being stitch up.

Church Guy: "There, it should healed up fast than before. Don't move to much so the stitches doesn't open up."

Flannel Guy: "Thanks man"

The Church Guy was about to get up, when he notice a bite mark on the Flannel Guy forearm. He was busy reliving the chaos that happened to the town. He didn't even notice that HE WAS BITTEN until now.

Church Guy: "You are bitten!?"

He asked the Flannel Guy who immediately explain to him the bite mark.

Flannel Guy: "Hey it's okay, I'm immune.. Okay? that bite was an hours ago. I know it sound craz-


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