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Saying this Yoongi removed Jimin's pants and start sucking it hard. He was looking at Jimin's plump and juicy lips like no tomorrow with full of lust. First he attacked his virgin lips and kissed younger's face, lips, neck , collarbone roughly. 

Yoongi's hand start to travel/explore Jimin's every body part and his hands were roaming freely on Jimin's body like he owned it for eternity giving Jimin sensations and goosebumps making him hard already. 

Yoongi start licking his upper lips biting his lips to escape a moan from Jimin's mouth and Yoongi grabbed his neck without any mercy showed on his face or either from his hands resulting in chocking Jimin 's neck roughly making Jimin forget how to breathe for few seconds . Seeing Jimin's begging face, Yoongi decided to tease Jimin. (IT'S YOONGI DUH!) 

He kissed his neck so hardly making very beautiful owner marks on Jimin's sexy neck which was looking so tempting making Yoongi feel like no tomorrow. He started to make more hickeys on Jimin neck and jawline.

 Jimin was continuously moaning Yoongi's name while Yoongi was enjoying his effect on Jimin because he didn't even started and look how Jimin is already under his dominance. He slided his tongue against Jimin's tongue to kiss and taste his mouth but Jimin was not opening his mouth.

 Yoongi bitted Jimin's lower lips making younger moan and as his mouth open to let a moan escape from his mouth Yoongi took chance and again slided his tongue roughly inside Jimin's mouth enjoying the sweetness of every part that came on his way to his mouth.

Yoongi made some beautiful piece of art at Jimin's neck making younger moan at his dominant every move.  

 Yoongi finally reached to his chest drooling over a very sexy body under him. He took some time to admire the beauty. Beautiful pale white skin, small waist, plump lips and ass. 

It was looking like god made Jimin just for Yoongi because he was fitting in Yoongi's arm like he was the missing element present in him for forever.

 He sucked Jimin's nipple by his mouth making Jimin hard as his nipples started to get rough.

Yoongi grabbed a handcuff from side table of his bad cuffing Jimin's hand and tied it hard and blindfolded Jimin with a strap of black long cotton cloth.

As Jimin's hands were tied, he was helpless and just a moaning mess. Yoongi was continuously sucking and tasting Jimin's body literally like a beast. 

Yoongi - "want more huh!*groan* you little slut only for me."

Jimin - "ahh-hh yeah DADDY! please gentle i-its hu-hurting !"

Yoongi - "*groan* sorry service not available." *deep ass voice*

 Jimin felt current all over his body; shivers down to his spine feeling  goosebumps all over his body listening to his top dominant voice making him feel so small and submissive in front of his owner/master.

(Author - sorry but I am very big fan of BDSM so sorry!!) 

Seeing the sinful view and Jimin's seductive voice Yoongi obliviously got a boner. He said with husky voice- "daddy needs help Babyboy."

Jimin said- " I am *ahh* moaning* all Y-Yours D-daddy. " Saying this Yoongi inserted his two fingers thrusting over Jimin who was so tight.

Jimin - "da-daddy I'm w-wet."

Yoongi - "not so early baby I just started." *sounding like a total beast* Yoongi started to place his hands on Jimin's small waist making him get up from his position making Jimin's face more closer to Yoongi's. Yoongi again captured his lips again and sucked it hard.

Yoongi - "open your these beautiful legs for daddy and let me enjoy this sinful view."

Jimin obediently opened his legs and start staring at Yoongi's face with his world's most innocent look. Yoongi saw this with lust filled in his eyes but do anyone care, hell nah!

Yoongi grabbed Jimin and pull him closer to himself and hold on Jimin's inner thighs making Jimin moan loudly -"ahh-h shit! Daddy please"

Yoongi started to tease and start touching his inner thighs and making his fingers intentionally touch his cute dick.

Yoongi - "what please huh? well Jimin, I  must say that you got the cutest dick."

Jimin felt shy and little embarrassed as Yoongi was touching his dick but not releasing his hands. His hands are still tied and the ropes are making their marks on Jimin's beautiful wrist.

Yoongi removed his black strap that blocked Jimin's view and when he does the first thing he saw was a big ohh sorry A MASSIVE DICK!

Jimin - *ah-hh* moaning " it's so bigg, it won't fit" Yoongi smirked

Yoongi - "it will and it's daddy for you!" He smacked Jimin's bare ass hard printing his 5 fingers on jimin's butt.

Yoongi finally dropped his idea to tease Jimin more and made Jimin lay properly and start to put his long fingers into a pink-ish hole of Jimin giving all the pleasure. Jimin - "m-more pl-please! faster!"

Yoongi started to thrust his finger on Jimin's hole and inserted his second finger as well. 

Yoongi - "This is nothing baby, let me take to to the heaven!"

Yoongi removed his fingers and start licking Jimin's hole making Jimin pre-cum already.

Jimin - "d-Daddy, I am c-cumming, P-please let me!" Yoongi signaled as no again; Yoongi - "lets cum together baby"

Yoongi started to suck Jimin's dick hardly making Jimin's member nearly numb! Yoongi removed his handcuff making Jimin's hand free to move. Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hairs in pleasure and started to ruffle them with LOVE AND AFFECTION!.

Yoongi groaned- " you are so tight Jimin. "   He finally removed his fingers and inserted Yoongi's dick /ejaculated his dick into Jimin's ass. " your hole needs practice " Jimin was about to cum but Yoongi stopped saying " cum with me baby " 

" Ahhh....hhhhh ! hyung, slowly p-please " Yoongi smacked Jimin's ass " Hyung!? " Jimin was crying because the pain and pleasure was too much too handle. Yoongi was thrusting like no tomorrow and biting his Dick like a small child sucking his lollipop.

Yoongi bite his inner thighs making Jimin hard Yoongi repeated his actions marking Jimin's whole body as his "wet".

Jimin neck, lips, collarbone, nipple, stomach, waist everything was covered with hickeys which Yoongi gave to Jimin. Yoongi kissed younger other nipple sucking it hard until it swallow. He again captured his lips with desperation and  lust. he spanked his ass again making Jimin stumble.

Yoongi grabbed his ass and give it a hard squeeze making Jimin moan loudly. Then he found Yoongi's cold hand on his dick. Yoongi was tickling his dick making him irritated and annoyed because Yoongi was teasing him.

Yoongi swirled around tip of his dick tip to lick the precum and tease him. Yoongi was tasting the fresh vanilla that came out just for him from Jimin's body.

" Ahhhhh....hhhhhhh  --AHhhh fuck me m-more daddy ahh - ahhhh p-please " Jimin said while moaning. *panting*

Jimin and Yoongi were continuously eating other and because and pain Jimin was about to pass out but before they stop. They stop after 17 rounds and finally Yoongi left him. 

Yoongi put his head between Jimin legs kissing his inner thigs and sucking his balls. Jimin finally cum and Yoongi swallow it in his mouth. Yoongi - "you are so tasty Jimin, I love it!"

Jimin - "make me your husband you will taste it everyday anytime and unlimited."*panting*

Yoongi again started to fuck Jimin and the night goes on....They cleaned the bed and themselves.



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