Last Pain

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Y/n comforted herself, wiping tears, setting the clothes. She took a long deep breath to clam the hurricane inside her. Stepping out of the room wit disappointed heart.

Hobi just stood there blankly like a lifeless soul. How can someone understand him? Who?
The person whom he loved married someone else, show up suddenly after 6 years with his secret child! 

Till now, he consoled himself by blaming Y/n for everything, cheating, betraying, lying and what not!  He always blamed her, hated her.

They weren't perfect but they build understanding, came close and realize they love each other but then suddenly when your love is marrying someone else sucks!

He painted her like a trauma, villain in his life to overcome his sadness. This wasn't the cure but hating her somehow supported and motivated to live further.

Thinking this much he didn't realized Y/n left the room, but smiled lightly to himself thinking how pathetic his life became again just in 2 days when healing took forever.


She entered the quiet room but only she knew how many painful screams can be heard. She silently bowed to Mrs. Min making her realizing her own presence. 

Mrs. Min : "Y/n baby, We trusted you! I gave my Yoon's life in your life just to watch you betray him alive. You didn't cheated but snatched his right to be called father. He may loved someone else in past, but the moment you entered his life, he gave you his everything."

Y/n : "Mom, trust me I didn't cheated on Yoongi! This happened before our marriage, after marriage I didn't even took Hoseok name, forget him , Love Yoongi from all my heart, I am loyal Mom, please don't abandoned me in this maze. I am also not okay."

Mr. Min : "Y/n, Tell us everything now! Don't hide anything now! Please."

Y/n : "Appa? Our marriage was indeed forced marriage, and sure Yeonjun biological father is Hoseok, But trust me I love Yoongi only. He IS father of Yeonjun and only him. Me and Hoseok were in relationship before marriage but after that we lost our contact. After marriage I didn't even meet, saw , or even heard his name."

Mr. Min : "Ooh, Then how Yeonjun?"

Y/n : "I was physical with Hoseok earlier (before marriage) ." *she said embarrassed* 

Yoongi entered the room seeing everyone's dead serious face, he poked his inner cheek, passing most fake smile to everyone trying to make everyone understand that he is fine.
"But she Knows!"

"Yoongi indeed listened to their conversation quietly but when he felt Y/n's being uncomfortable he came."

Yoongi : "Mom its enough! Everything's done, we can't change anything now. Its better not to make her feel embarrassed."

"And don't just blame her, your own son did some forbidden unforgivable sins." Yoongi asserted with straight face. Guilt and agony was literally dropping from his every word.

Y/n : "Yoongi, Please don't talk to her like that, she cares!"

Yoongi just passed a satisfying fake smile to her and grabbed her wrist softly leaving the room taking her as well even though she tried to resist to explain but Yoongi just said 1 thing.

"I trust you Y/n, You don't need to explain to me or anyone. Everyone make mistake but its me only just like I was. My love and respect won't just disappear because of this shit. You took care of me when I miserable, you made me and I can't just forget all the things that you did for me." Yoongi said like a ideal husband he is!

"I love you Yoongi, truly.!" Y/n said smiling with tears hearing Yoongi's words carefully feeling the depth of love and care he have for her and most important, The respect is irreplaceable! 

After sometime (Jimin POV)

Doctor : "Sir, Please try to get up!"

"I am trying." Jimin said while trying to get up.

*Heavy sigh* "Finally!"


Jimin : "I ain't a baby Tae!" *He said while softly laughing*

They hugged each other finding little bit of peace even for a moment, they felt alive, like they used to be!

Taehyung : "I missed you so much, soulmate :)"

Jimin : "Well, not more that me bis-"

Jungkook : "What's up Shorty? Learned to walk? come on already, even Soobin can walk properly now!" He said while swinging his head in fake funny disappointment.

"Oh? Shut the fuck up! I ain't short. You are giant!" Jimin's kind of comeback!

They were arguing with each other like old days, all the teasing and happy giggles can be heard. Felt like a piece of heaven meeting and become one again!

After some time of happy moments they left Jimin in the room alone to rest.

Jimin lay on the bed as he was tired, he just had a serious injury, off course his body is little weak right now.

After sometime Mr. Min requested everyone to stay at Min mansion. Others also agree with this decision. They sat in the car and reached at night. 

Everyone had their dinner with fake smile but they all knew how gloomy everyone is!

All people started to decided in which room they will stay.
At last it was :

1st : Mr. and Mrs. Min 

2nd : Namjoon and Jin

3rd : Taehyung and Jungkook

4th : Yoongi and Y/n

5th : Hoseok and Kai

6th : Jimin with Yeonjun (He himself wanted)

The night passed!

The Next Morning

 (At Min's mansion)

Yoongi : "You all please sit and be comfortable, Breakfast will soon be served to you." He passed a genuine smile to everyone present their.

Time passed by some chit-chat and old happy memories.

After sometime maids set the table. 
Y/n : "Okay enough teasing, now let's have breakfast." She said while serving Yoongi and then her own.

(Yeonjun eat in Y/n's plate only usually or else he always want to eat with his father)

Seeing this Jimin felt a sudden pang but consoled by giving adorable smile to both of them continuing to serve in his own plate for himself.

Mr. Min : "Well Jimin baby, As you are alright, why don't we all go for vacations? Like we will spend some quality time with you. You agree?"

Jimin : "Off course App- I mean uncle. Why not?"
He said covering his mouth while eating, basic table manners!


Okay, That's it! I died after writing this long chapter with 2-3 days!!!!

I love you Alwayssss
some line are inspired by "Hate You" by Jungkook.

Something special is waiting for all of us....Stay tuned!!

Byeeeeee Take care!!!

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