𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 1

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A vampire pack leader has a girl tied up in front of him. She crying and beg at the vampire leader, but the alpha's heart doesn't melt.

"I've told you many times that you're an omega so don't come here but you don't take my words seriously" the leader said angrily looking at the girl.

"Don't .........underestimate me because I'm…..a omega,"the leader sat down and pulled her hair. "Aaaah" the girl grunted in pain.
“Y/n you know one thing no matter who doesn't listen to me the end will be death for them” the leader pushed y/n to the ground.

"If...... you k-kill me, my........ brother will come......my-my place to take revenge on .......you," she smiled at the leader with blood on his lips."Did you think I wouldn't know if you collected information about me and gave it to my enemy?" he said and sat near her.
"Jung Hoseok, even though I love you, I only want your position..........Why am I saying this?......... I know that I will die soon and my oppa want know about this."She looks Hoseok in the eye without fear and Hoseok smirked at her and shouted her on the spot.

A cute little man finished his work and came out of the hotel. Today he finished work early. He came out to go home when someone pushed him and left without even apologizing and yoongi glared at him, "senseless, doesn't know how to say sorry" the batta boy mumble and his mumble could hear the man.

The pushed man looked back at the little man and the betta was staring at him without being afraid. The pushed man came closer to the betta boy and grabs his waist and pulled him closer to him."Hey" the betta boy slightly yelled and tries to break free from the man's grip but since the push man is an alpha, no matter what little one tries, he couldn't release his hold."Let go of me, you Hoseok b!tch" he shouts angrily. "Oh...you know me, don't you think it's dangerous to fight with me like this kitten..... yoongi" he pulled Yoongi even closer.

“I didn't do anything wrong...ah…so w-why am I am afraid of you…..ah…." Hoseok's grip hurts Yoongi but he doesn't show it.“A weak beta like you does know it's wrong to pick a fight with a strong alpha” hoseok said with a deep voice. Yoongi calmed down after meeting Hoseok's eyes "I'm not weak at all" he said calmly and try to away from his hold.

Hoseok let go of Yoongi's grip and placed his finger on his forehead and pushed him, "Little boy." Yoongi glared at Hoseok, "Arrogant alpha" yoongi said straight into Hoseok's eyes and walked away.

Yoongi made his way to his house and when he got inside, his heart stopped beating. Because Yoongi's younger sister Y/N is sitting on the couch bleeding with her hand , over her heart. Yoongi quickly run closer to his little sisters and after yoongi touch her she senses yoong's touch , Y/N blinked a little to see his oppa, seeing her condition Yoongi burst into tears.

“O-oppa……” she said as she raised her bloodied hand and put it in his oppa's cheeks.Yoongi holds her hand and cries "w-what happ.....happened to you .......dear who-who did this......
to you" he asked with anger and tears."oppa……he's……thè.... ca-use of this" she says with such difficulty that Yoongi can't see her like this.
" baby...... don't say ........ anything come on we can....... both go to the ho....hospital" Yoongi grabbed his younger sister's hand but she grap his brother's hand that means she wasn't comming .

"Baby, ........come on, I-I can't see.... you like this " Yoongi cries, putting his head on her lap and she putting her hand on Yoongi's head."h-....oppa now time is passed ........and there's nothing ....... you can do about it.......but oPpa .....th....that Ho.....seok is......sss...... respon-sible for all of this........ don't leave him ......  take rev.....revenge......for me opp-a" Saying that, she put her hand to swear to Yoongi and Yoongi held her hand with red eyes and tears of anger, "I your brother min yoongi a betta , will take revenge on the alpha pack leader Jung hoseok for my sister min
y/n." He swore to his sister's hand and crying holding her hand.

Then Yoongi get a memorys of his and his sister and he starts crying as he holds his younger sister's dead body and crying hardly. "I-I won't.......leave that....... Hoseok live....... happily" he said, holding his sister even tighter.

(Note: Yoongi has many powers, one of which is that if he touches a dead body, he can get a flashback how they died and how they lived.)


( Everything in this story is fanfiction so no one should think it's true and it's all just to make the story interesting)

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