𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑒 8

201 9 4

*a loud thud*

Yoongi wakes up at the sound of Hoseok falling down. Hoseok rubs his lock and wakes up and he find Yoongi staring at him with half open eyes.

Hoseok found the sight strange "Ahh....I fell without realizing it" Hoseok said with a nervous smile. Yoongi just smiled at Hoseok.

Hoseok smiled at Yoongi and Yoongi felt a sudden pain in Yoongi's neck, "Ahh" he moaned in pain and placed his hand on his neck.

Hoseok comes closer to Yoongi nervously but Yoongi moved a little bit when Hoseok comes to touch him, it's clear to Hoseok that Yoongi is avoiding him. Hoseok sighed and stood next to the bed, "Excuse me." From there he picked up his clothes and went inside the bathroom.

Yoongi is angry with Hoseok.you think ,he asked Hoseok for help yesterday because he is in pain so he didn't have another way but that doesn't mean he has forgiven Hoseok.Yoongi still remembers that promise that he will take revenge Hoseok to his younger sister's y/n death and he didn't forget the promise that he gave to his sister.

Sope are sitting at the dining table to eat. Hoseok doesn't have parents and neither does Yoongi so it's just the two of them sitting around.Both of them are not sitting next to each other, they are sitting on different sides and eating quietly .

This is new for both of them though and after they both eat Hoseok goes to the alpha pack and Yoongi goes into Hoseok's room and locks him inside.

Yoongi is sitting on the bed thinking.
'I don't know what to do now I never dreamed this would happen but I will let him get revenge for this. I will show him what the most excruciating pain is'.Yoongi is getting angry and Yoongi's mind is filled with memories of his younger sister Y/N.

Yoongi closes his eyes and thinks 'I hate that alpha so so so so so so so much' tears welling up at the corner of his eye.

Yoongi suddenly had an idea and a look of hope appeared on his face but Yoongi didn't know how to do it.

If Yoongi wants to go out he has to ask Hoseok for permission first otherwise he can't go here and even if Hoseok gives permission the guards will come with him.But Yoongi needs to go alone and only then will his plan work.

Yoongi immediately calls Hoseok Hoseok initially rejects the call but Yoongi keeps calling him again and again. Hoseok attend the call but before he could speak the alpha speak "What do you want? Why are you calling me so many times, don't you know I'll be at work?" Hoseok said angrily and hung up without listening yoong's answering.

Yoongi is very angry because Hoseok didn't listen to Yoongi's response and he scolded Yoongi but he doesn't know why Yoongi's heart is hurt by Hoseok's scolding.

Yoongi throws his phone on the bed and screams "I HATE YOU ALPHA".

Well, Yoongi is not one to give up easily, so Yoongi looks through the window across the room. But Yoongi can't find any way and it makes him more angry and irritated but he keeps his anger under control.

Yoongi is quietly sitting on the bed, which means that even though he is calm his mind is still on how to find a way out.

Yoongi is quiet when he hears a knock on the door of his room and Yoongi tells them to come in. "Luna,you must eat now" the maid said.

"I don't want" he said and lay on the bed. "But luna, this is the leader order---" "Get out,"he said angrily. "But king hoseok told me--" Before the maid could finish her sentence, Yoongi angrily threw the things on the table next to him.

"I said go out and if he says anything tell him,that I told him to go and die, then I will be at peace" he yells angrily at her.

The maid doesn't say anything and leaves with a sigh, Yoongi angrily turns to the other side and cries "Fuck you Hoseok"dragging the bed sheet in angry.

Yoongi now feels like all his hope is broken, he can't live like he used to, nothing is going according to his plan and now he thinks is in prison.Somehow Yoongi fell asleep thinking about it.

After some time he woke up again he saw the clock and he was shocked because it was already 10 pm. Yoongi looked next to him Hoseok wasn't there but Yoongi didn't take it seriously Yoongi got up and went to take a shower.

While Yoongi is taking a shower, someone knocking his door but Yoongi doesn't hear thoughts the shower sound. Then he heard someone calling Yoongi's name. Yoongi didn't hear clearly at first. Yoongi turned off the shower and hear clearly.

"Yoongi Luna" the maid shouts. "aaa....tell me, I'm in the shower," Yoongi yelled back."I'm sorry Luna but king is here and he called you" she shouts.

"Ok thanks I'll be there you can go now" Yoongi yells back.
Even if Yoongi didn't here,but she bowed at the door and left.

Yoongi's POV

I don't want to go when the maid comes and says but I can't speak harshly to her again.I have to apologize for the fact that I insulted her in the afternoon.

I don't want to see that big bad alpha but I don't want to make any drama And I don't want anyone else to know about our relationship in other than me , except me only want to take everything care.

I sighed and put on the comfortable clothes which I brought and went downstairs.

When I go down there is a boy behind Hoseok and honestly he is beautiful. But he's holding Hoseok's arm and I feel a little irritated but I don't know why.

There are two boys in front of Hoseok but i can't see them clearly because they are standing side.The guy behind Hoseok is clearly scared and that's why he's holding Hoseok's muscle arm,
but why doesn't my mind accept that?

To be continued

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