𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑒 10

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Hoseok closed his eyes and opened them.Yoongi could see Hoseok's inner alpha. His alpha eyes are deep red with black irises.

Yoongi didn't think hoseok would wake up his inner alpha so suddenly and Yoongi was a little nervous but he kept looking at Hoseok.

"Don't be afraid my betta. I won't do anything to you because you were my first love, first kiss, the first man I ever touched with love and you're the only one."the alpha said with pure love in his voice.

Yoongi doesn't know what to say now because  he can't tell hoseok is lying, the inner alpha never lies and can't even lie to his mate.Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's waist and pulled him slightly closer to his chest .

" You may be a weak in the eyes of others, but in my eyes always a brave man, if say it more majestically, you will never think yourself a Weak betta and you think yourself always a brave betta.You're the only beta I've ever seen stand up to an alpha.That's what made me fall in love with you." The alpha said love in his eyes.

"I know that I have chosen you as my mate against your will but what will I do if you become someone else's mate that's why I marked you as my mate without your will........Even if you hate me but now you will be with me."  Hoseok says looking deep into Yoongi's cat eyes.

Yoongi looking at Hoseok unconsciously, "It doesn't matter if you hate me betta. Even if you hate me, it's enough to be near you."hoseok said more deeply looking yoong's eyes, that looks making yoong's conscious.

“Why are you saying this now” Yoongi asked confused."Because my inner Alpha told me to tell you this," Hoseok said.Yoongi looked the truth in Hoseok's eyes.

"Alpha….do you want to ask me anything else?"Yoongi didn't know why he asked this question but his mind told him to.

"Kiss....betta....I want a kiss"

Hoseok looked into Yoongi's eyes and asked with pure love.

"If you don't want to then don't want to that bet--" Yoongi plants a soft kiss on his alpha's lips before Hoseok finish his words.

Their kiss continued to be romantic and tender.

Hoseok's eyes are now his normal colour.Hoseok was the first to break the kiss and Yoongi stared at Hoseok in silence."I'm sorry Yoongi….I didn't mean to do this" Hoseok said a little nervously.

If Hoseok is nervous, it means he doesn't want Yoongi to think he's wrong and leave the alpha.The whole country trembles at Hoseok but only Hoseok trembles at his Mate because he can't live without Yoongi.

Hoseok was about to lose his conscious slightly in Yoongi's kiss so Hoseok immediately stopped.“It’s okay,” Yoongi finished in one reply.

Both are sitting on different sides of their bed."Why did you call me the afternoon?" Hoseok asked with a bit of hesitation as he remembered he  scolding Yoongi on the call.

"Nothing," Yoongi said cold. Hoseok realizes now that Yoongi is still angry about it.“Sorry,” Hoseok mutters and Yoongi hears it well.

Yoongi mumbled 'ok' and Hoseok sighed as Yoongi was angry and Hoseok didn't want to talk more and make him angry.

“Are you coming to eat Yoongi” Hoseok asked looking at Yoongi.  "I don't want to" Yoongi said looking straight into Hoseok's eyes.

A/N: I known army what are you thinking.that Yoongi has been on good with Hoseok while but now he is acting like he doesn't like Hoseok.

Yoongi talks better with Hoseok's inner Alpha because it doesn't do anything and it's always be true. But Yoongi unknowingly kisses Hoseok and that make his mind wonder what might happen, if he falls in love with Hoseok.

Maybe even if he falls in love with Hoseok, he will definitely take revenge on his sister's death.
*A/N end*

Hoseok doesn't want his betta to sleep without meals and even though he praises Yoongi for being brave, Hoseok thinks he's a beta and needs energy.

“Yoongi, I just apologized why are you still angry” Hoseok asked innocently. “I'm not angry,” Yoongi said letting out an unwelcome laugh.

“Yoongi...” Hoseok called out with a pitiful look on his face."What now, if I don't want to eat, do i even need to ask your permission my king.... You want me to eat that meal now, you are keeping me locked up, bring the food here inside this room.I'll eat it and give it back to you, you take the same away, I'll be like this for the rest of the time, right" very very angry in the betts's eyes.

Yoongi's speech seems to poke Hoseok and Hoseok realizes that Yoongi is right because all these days Yoongi has been wandering around in the outside world but after turned into his mate.

Everything has changed and Hoseok doesn't let Yoongi out. It's hard for Yoongi to be in the same room.
Hoseok sighed as he thought for a bit.

"Well, if you want to go, I won't tell you anything." Yoongi's face started out happy but Hoseok's next word made him stare with a what the fck look.

"But my guards will be with you outside and watching you" He looked at Yoongi,who was already staring at him.

Hoseok who was so normal by now but after seeing his betta glares at him he also glares at his mate.Yoongi is a little scared to see Hoseok's glares for the first time.

To be continued

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