episode 15

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Now Hoseok is giving Yoongi a passionate and hungry k!ss that Yoongi mumbles like whispers.hoseok l!cks yoongi's lips and k!ssed and he sûck!ng yoongi's neck and again Hoseok's and yoongi's l!ps meet and their tongue is dancing . Yoongi hugs Hoseok and môàn softly.

Hoseok is k!ss*ng Yoongi's stomach and Yoongi is holding Hoseok's head along with hair as yoongi m0@n very soundly clossing his eyes.

"Your mø*n is sweet to my ears..baby" Hoseok said as k!ss!ng Yoongi's abdomen and Yoongi rolled his eyes as Hoseok pressed his tongue in yoongi's Navel.

Hoseok's every touch makes Yoongi feel very wet as Yoongi is nàçked now.

Yoongi's eyes suddenly widen as he saw a ghost and he stops Hoseok.

"What happened hyung?” Hoseok asked with a pout. "My.... That was-- not yet so….," Yoongi said hesitantly, putting one of his hand his arm. Hoseok gets up and close to yoongi and k!sses him again "that can't stop me hyung." Teasing yoongi

Yoongi glared at Hoseok "I can't right now" Hoseok smiled softly "understood" Hoseok l!cked yoongi's l!ps again and gave him a peck.

"Alright I'm going hyung" Hoseok said with a small smile on his face. Yoongi noticed Hoseok's pants he was a bit worry for Hoseok. “wait...” Yoongi hesitantly and lowly said but Hoseok hear and looked at Yoongi and shook his head in what.

"It's....your pants" Yoongi's face turned red before he said this, Hoseok looked at Yoongi and chuckled , "I'll take care of that." "But how…..it...it will hurt you…" Yoongi looked around at the floor "Yeah but it's okay--" Yoongi's eyes widened again before Hoseok finished.

"I think we can talk about this later, hyung" Hoseok said himself before yoongi could say this and left immediately and Yoongi sighed and sat down on the floor. Yoongi thought to himself, "Is Hoseok supposed to come at this time...... And why did I want to help him?...... but..... because of me he is suffering.....but why my body feel different......maybe because what Hoseok did or this period......"

Hoseok is sitting on the bed, he lower his head put his hands on his forehead, he's really in pain, but if Yoongi doesn't like it, he can't do anything about it.Hoseok knew that Yoongi didn't want to either, Hoseok understood Yoongi's position too.

Hoseok thought he will take a shower so then this will be fine so he goes to his closest and open it he saw many clothes hanging there so he is choosing comfortable clothes for him.at the time he hear door opening sounds and yoongi's foot steps near him. He looked at Yoongi and asked “Did you take a shower again hyung” “Ahh…yeah” Yoongi shook his head but yoongi's eyes were like sleepless and Hoseok didn't notice or he didn't ask because he thinks yoongi is tired.

And yeah,Yoongi took a shower again because he feels weirdo ( you know what i mean army). "Ar-are you going to take a shower too" Yoongi asked along with a deep breath Hoseok shaking his head as he finished his drees getting "Yes hyung" Hoseok said.

Yoongi walks up to Hoseok and hugs him which makes Hoseok slightly shocked. However, he also hugged Yoongi. Yoongi snorted Hoseok's pheromone and called out “Alpha~” in his sweàet voice Hoseok think yoongi is teasing him so he responded with an mm .

“If you want some...thing ~you can....you can ask~” Yoongi said and Hoseok asked confused “I don't understand hyung”. “I can't smell your phoremophoe ~” Hoseok lifted yoongi's head to look at his face. “Why are you asking like this betta” “Alpha~ I'm not sure what your scent is, maybe because betta can't smell much” Yoongi said in a sad voice.

"Do you want know my pheromone?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi slowly nodded his head yes but  Hoseok didn't know yoongi's body his heating little by little nor yoongi. Hoseok had no idea why Yoongi was acting this way. Because Yoongi has never been so submissive to Hoseok before and he answers Hoseok's question which is shocking because yoongi only obey Hoseok's inner Alpha not Hoseok.

"Alpha~" Yoongi said still closer to Hoseok as Hoseok looked into Yoongi's eyes it was deep black and and golden yellow. Yoongi's pheromone's were pouring out so much because of that Hoseok need to control himself.

"Hyung…is your heat come now" Hoseok asked hesitantly. Yoongi didn't answer Hoseok's question and moved closer to Hoseok and their lips were about to k!ss but before that Yoongi got to his sence he moved away from Hoseok.

"I didn't mean to, Hoseok, sorry" Yoongi said reluctantly and his heat is getting his body "ca...can you leav... me alone" Yoongi said in a difficulty.

"But hyung ,I can't" Hoseok insisted "But I want to be alone right now and I don't feel like doing anything right now" Yoongi said annoyed in one speech.

Before Hoseok can speak next, Yoongi's heat oppressive him and Yoongi takes off  his t-shirt and now  yoongi is only his pant "ho...it's hot~" Yoongi says with his eyes half open not knowing what he's doing.

Hoseok is sad to see Yoongi and he  know his mate wants his alpha's hug and touch but yoongi refuses that too,but now Hoseok wants to give yoongi suppressant even though Hoseok doesn't want to he has no choice.Hoseok picked Yoongi up as yoongi hugged Hoseok tightly and Hoseok laid yoongi on the bed.

Hoseok thought to leave soon but Yoongi grabbed his hand and said "Alpha......I want you~" looking at Hoseok sinfully. Hoseok honestly doesn't want to leave Yoongi however Yoongi says no so he can't deny yoongi's word so Hoseok just
k!sses yoongi's forehead looked at yoongi.

"Alpha~~Please don't go~~" Yoongi asked tears in his eyes "My whole body is paining ~ it's annoying here~" Yoongi point his pant. "Alpha ~~ " Yoongi cries as he holding Hoseok's neck "It hurts~ my pants......i ...don't want~alpha" Yoongi innocently asks Hoseok sighs and Hoseok takes off yoongi's pants.

Yoongi lifted his hips slightly and craved Hoseok's touch, then Hoseok had an idea. Yoongi had be with Jin all these year so jin can knew something for yoongi's heat stop temporarily or maybe he will have that suppressant. Hoseok took his phone and go to contact and find jin number and calling him, on the ringing Hoseok put it on his ear but Yoongi quickly moved closer to Hoseok and locked him with his two arms, around Hoseok's neck.

Hoseok was holding him and gulb his Sal!va@  "Alpha~ touch me~" Yoongi said in a seductive voice as he k!ssed Hoseok before Hoseok could speak next.

Hoseok doesn't stop Yoongi and he k!sses Yoongi too but Hoseok completely forgets that he called Jin and Hoseok throws Yoongi on the bed. Now Hoseok top of Yoongi and locks Yoongi's hand "Touch me Alpha~" Yoongi gently lifts his hips.

Hoseok k!ssed Yoongi's neck and
Sûc*€d the spot and gave him purple colored h!ck€ys Yoongi wanted more so he held Hoseok's head and didn't let go of Hoseok and Hoseok slowly get his head up saw Yoongi's eyes and sope smile softly looking at each other.

Hoseok didn't notice that jin already attend the call and calling Hoseok's name several times. "I want f!ll you Baby...~" Hoseok smiled at Yoongi and Yoongi smiled back at him before Yoongi spoke Hoseok heard Jin yelling angrily from the phone.


to be continued


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