𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑒 5

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"What happened now? Why...... didn't you see me without clothes yesterday?" Yoongi said as he put on his clothes.

"I'm not looking at you because for your own good," Hoseok said turning his face.Yoongi understands so he doesn't say anything Yoongi decides to take a shower at Hoseok's house so he wears only a shorts and baniyan.

"Okay, I didn't bring the dress give me your dress" he asked Hoseok very entitled. Hoseok smiled and brought the dress.

“Did you already have this ready?” Yoongi asks suspiciously as he takes the dress without searching.

"I took it last night so I can give it to you if you agree to take a shower," Hoseok said with a smile.

"I agree too...... That's right" Hoseok said nothing after seeing Yoongi's anger.

Yoongi then went to the bathroom and Hoseok admired how small Yoongi looked.Hoseok was also carrying his clothes.

Yoongi opened the door and Hoseok turned to see how Yoongi would look in his clothes but Hoseok froze at Yoongi for a minute.

"The pants you gave me don't fit Hoseok, how am I going to go out now?" Yoongi said and cutely. God, Hoseok just wants to taste those lips now.

"Answer me, you b@stard Hoseok" Yoongi yelled at Hoseok. "Ah....wait, I'll get one." Hoseok said as he left and brought a dress.

Yoongi is shocked to see how Hoseok is having all these types of clothes and doubts that he is trying to irritate Yoongi because he wants to.

"What did you think of me, I can't put all this clothes" he yelled at Hoseok."But this is the only one that's fits for you, it belongs to my uncle's daughter and she forgot here," Hoseok said patiently.

"But I'm not a girl at all" yelling "Yoongi don't act like a child, I've put your clothes in the wash, at least put them on until they dry, after that put your clothes" Hoseok says to Yoongi.

Yoongi had no choice Hoseok's pants were too big and didn't fit his waist so he decided to wear what Hoseok had given him.

Yoongi sighed and angrily grabbed the dress from Hoseok's hand but Hoseok just smiled at Yoongi. "I can't wait to see how look in this dress, kitten," Hoseok thought to himself and smiled.

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Seeing Yoongi, Hoseok suspected that this was the same man he saw a minutes ago. Because the outfit is perfect for Yoongi in that he looks like a girl.

“Yoonie,” Hoseok petted Yoongi.“Shut up,” Yoongi said angrily. "But you look like a girl," Hoseok mutters."Speak louder Hoseok" Yoongi's eyes are all red and he is parenting a angry tune and arguing with Hoseok.

"Don't be angry, yoonie, we can take a picture together," Hoseok said, coming closer to Yoongi and taking his phone. But Yoongi grabbed the phone and threw it on the bed.

“What are you thinking I will agree to take photo of me” Yoongi asked annoyed.

"Well if you don't want to, that's fine, but forget about joining the pack," Hoseok said as he looked at Yoongi regretfully.

"Okay, take that photo b*ch" he said even more angrily.Hoseok immediately pulls Yoongi close to him and takes pictures.

“You shouldn't show this to anyone okay,” Yoongi said. "Okay" said Hoseok.However, Hoseok is taking photos.

Two days later

Yoongi is sitting on the bed in his room. Hoseok said two days ago that he will call today and Yoongi waits for hoseok call.

Yoongi's mind is all about how to get revenge on Hoseok.Yoongi may or may not have planned it.If Hoseok trust yoongi he will never doubt on him so that's enough for yoongi.

While Yoongi was thinking he got a call and he was startled by the sudden sound."Ya, this jin, scared me" he said irritately and accepted the call.

"Jin you scared me" he said a little angry. "Sorry" Jin said with a chuckle.“So how is your body?” Yoongi inquires about Jin. "I'm fine, did you see the news first," Jin said as if it was a bit important.

“No, what happened” Yoongi asked in confusion. “Okay did Hoseok call you back?” Jin asked from the call. "No, he said he'll call today but he hasn't called yet," Yoongi said lazily as he leaned his body back on the bed.

"I thought ,so," Jin said a low tune."What do you think?" Yoongi asked confused."You watch the news first," Jin said

Yoongi said ok and turned on the TV. "Our pack leader Hoseok is going to find his mate at next week's ceremony," said the newsreader.
"So far he hasn't found his mete but he said he will find his mete this week,if you go this ceremony you have the luck" the newsreader said and winked.

Hearing this, Yoong's heart beats fast, he doesn't know why, he keeps his hand on his heart and keeps calm.

To be continued

I hope you all like this part

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I written this story which is a bit modern as we are in a modern world some don't get me worng army 😅

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I written this story which is a bit modern as we are in a modern world some don't get me worng army 😅

𝘢 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 ( 𝘴𝘰𝘱𝘦 )Where stories live. Discover now