Chapter 1

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As I began to slip into my black dress I questioned, what's the possibilities of tonight? Alyssa and I were going to a house party that her close friends were hosting and she invited me. I wasn't prepared nor did I want to go and felt over dressed. For all I know we could get raped, thrown in jail, God knows what else!

" Everything's gonna be alright tonight's gonna be fun, just stop overthinking and chill." She knew me so well especially when I began getting in a jittery mood cause often times if I get like this I back out.

"Brooke you ready to go?", Alyssa said adding a touch of mascara to her curled eyelashes not wanting them to become clumpy. I replied with a nod and grabbed a small hand held bag.

"Promise me one thing, Alyssa Rose Harris do not drink too much tonight I don't want you throwing up all over my car alright." I said as she laughed cause she can get pretty messed up at these type of party's and this was a brand new Range Rover which I saved all my tips that I got from Tapioca Express to get so it meant a lot .

I drove and listened to Siri as I pulled into the drive way, I could already feel that anti-socialness in me starting to kick in as my hands started to sweat and my voice cracked and stuttered when I spoke. Luckily I was capable of pushing that away and sucking it up.

Alyssa walked into the door way, me following behind her. We walked up to two guys who smiled and greeted Alyssa afterward she began to introduce me to what seemed gentleman .

"Brooke this is Myles and Kalin..guys this is my insanely beautiful friend Brooke.", she said using hand gestures to point out and introduce us as clear as possible.

" She is pretty damn fine " Kalin whispered to Myles quite loudly enough for Alyssa and I to hear. I chuckled and covered my mouth in shock as I put my forehead onto Alyssa's shoulder out of embarrassment. Kalin froze realizing he messed up.

After a few hours I began to bore myself, Alyssa left me as usual to go dance while I gave myself my own miniature tour of the house. While looking around I passed by the DJ and we began talking.

"Hey you don't look too familiar, what's your name?" , he yelled over the loud music blasting from the 4 large speakers surrounding him.

"Brooke, Brooke Walden," returning an awkward laugh and handshake.

" I'm Jake, I'm Myles' little brother." He said as he looked in the crowd trying to see if he happened to be there.

"You're really talented!!" I said in awe as I watched him do his thing.

"Here's my number, I do party's, prom, birthday's, graduation's almost anything." I thanked him and said I'd make sure to shoot him one soon as I went on with my exploring.

I went to the small bar towards the backyard where the party continued with an even larger amount of people. As I made my way through the crowd I made it to the bar tender and on a tall stool.

"Excuse me, can I get a Margarita on rocks with salt on the rim." I asked the bleached blonde guy who quickly gave his attention to me once I spoke listening to my order carefully.

"Gotchu, names Connor, you friends with Kalin and Myles?", he said multitasking. "No actually, I'm friends with there good friend Alyssa, she wanted me to go out with her tonight when she clearly ditched me, I'm Brooke." , I said out of embarrassment. The thought of Alyssa being brought up to me made a wave of worry flood my body. I thanked Connor and he also gave me his number in case I needed anything like a ride home. He seemed very genuine, kind hearted, and caring ; Now days it's rare to find people who actually got you.

As I walked around a bit more I saw on the dance floor Alyssa yiking on Kalin. Great!! The idiots drunk when I specifically asked her not to get like this. I went inside where it was much quieter, a headache beginning to commence. I saw Myles leaving the restroom and happened to bump into him.

"I'm so sorry." projected in a sorrowful tone. "My bad." he said patting the part of my back where skin was exposed.

"Eh not to really enjoying the party myself, you?", giving me an insanely attractive look I couldn't help but blush. "It's not the most exciting place for me." Gradually we began talking Myles and I getting to know each other better, noticing we had much in common. We were close in age also! He was the 1st and I was the 6th of October, crazy how things work.

The later it got the more insane the party grew. Before you knew it everyone was drunk. My headache grew worse and I became very pale and nauseous due to not only the drinking but the noise. Myles noticed so he got me a water and welcomed me up to his bedroom.

"Staying the night never hurt anybody." He said getting me one of his shirts to wear. I went into his personal bathroom and changed leaving my heels and dress in there. I climbed into his bed out of exhaustion and he joined. I quickly fell asleep, the night ending for Myles and I sooner than others.

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