Ross was doing Gangnam style on the sun and twerking, when he saw the minivan approach him. He started to Gangnam style some more and twerk harder, and rogbert exited the vehicle, gripping Ross's gyatt.
"Oh hey rob"
"Hey Ross"Rob tossed Ross into the van, when he saw something in the distance.
It was bana man! Banana man screamed and spit everywhere, shooting bananas out of his rectum.
"Oh my god! It's banana man!"
Joey screamed, opening the door wide.
Banana man jumped inside and started forcing bananas down Ross's throat.Roggo jumped into the van as well and &guh started to drive.
They crashed the van into the parking lot and they blew up the van. They were finally at the Zesty Mall of Michigan.Andrew and bana man were making out and Joey woey was shitting bricks. Zub zub was bawling his eyes out because Andrew was too zesty.
Everyone was walking to the entrance of the mall, and the first thing they saw was Eminem brutally slaughtering a bunch of chickens. Everyone was confused, except for Ross. Ross was absolutely flabbergasted. Be started sobbing and dying on the floor, choking on his own tears and spit.
All the members started kicking him until he died.
They all started to walk towards th build-a-bear store because &dew wanted to.