Chapter 1. Betrayal, New Arrivals and the Night

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So, Darien and Kagome had met up for a project, he was an older boy, and for one of Kagome's school projects and must do if she hoped to pass the 10th grade, she had to be able to interact and interview an older student from a college life, but because she once said she wanted to be a doctor, she would follow him around and asks him questions.

So, they both talked about it over lunch. Darien was worried at first when he shook hands with Kagome, they both sensed each other's presence, but they didn't say anything they did not want to spook each other out, and it was odd because they both had a gift of magical properties, and they could sense it in the other one.

Endymion was like a priest himself with his gifts.

Kagome sensed him too, but they both were super careful with their word choices, he knew she could not be evil she was pure.

She felt the same way about his energy it was like she was a maiden who long ago was born in his kingdom, Endyimon hadn't seen magic or energy like hers since his time as Prince Endymion

However, their time of chatting and talking got cut short because Inuyasha got super jealous and annoyed because Kagome never told him that she had a meeting with this older person who was another guy, she told him not to follow her around she didn't need his protection in this time, but she said she had to go talk to this person, he assumed it was a woman, he was beginning to suspect that her heart was leading farther away from him.

And all this doubt started when he overheard a conversation with her friends from school, and then it got blown out of proportion because the girls talked about how girls were hooking up and then the conversation got turned towards Kagome and her relationship with the bad boy Inuyasha since they have met him, but they ask how far has she gone with Inuyasha.

As Inuyasha led into listening to the conversation between the girls, this made him blush he didn't know how to answer or feel about this topic, but he did start to wonder inside his head. But then Kagome shouted nothing, nothing going on, yes, she's...! sort of Inuyasha's girlfriend, sort of, but then there's his ex-Kikyo who he loved ever so much, so no she and Inuyasha hadn't crossed that bridge, and she wasn't so sure she wanted it to happen between them or not, Said Kagome" nervously.

"But you do want to, don't you? I mean I have met him, and he's strange yes, but I mean come on, he's pretty damn cute, don't tell me you're still a virgin, says Her friends" teasing her.

As Kagome blushed and said yes and no, she replied. as this confused Inuyasha, of course. But then she told them that was enough for one day, she had a meeting with someone else.

As the girls said, what does she mean by yes and no? Asked Yuka, " confused.

As she finally admitted the last time Inuyasha ran off to go see his Ex-girl and sort of sneaked out on her, she sort of took comfort with Koga, the other man in her life that she is starting to have feelings for, and she was starting to open her eyes and think he might be better for her than Inuyasha, so she sort of was just so mad about being second place to Kikyo, and so she just did it, she was tired of waiting, so she did it with Koga, Said Kagome" truthfully.

As this got Inuyasha so mad he blurted out you did what...! As he was furious.

As the girls said, it was time to go, and ran out of the room.

As Kagome and Inuyasha fought for almost a month, they didn't speak to each other, Inuyasha ran off and went to stay in a village with Kikyo whom she was tending to at the time.

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